Saturday, 9 December 2017

الفوضى - الانترنت - أفضل تاجر للأسلحة

الموضوع: ذي ماركتبليس: A ترادرس غايد ذي ماركتبليس: A ترادرس غايد تو ذي بروفيسيون حيث أن دليل مهنتنا الحالية هو خمس سنوات، اعتقدت أنه سيكون باردا للحصول على واحدة جديدة وتشغيلها. مرحبا بكم في مهنة التاجر يويف سمعت منا من قبل، وآمل. في حين تدحرجت وعادة لعبت ل بب الجانب من الأشياء، والتاجر هو الأصول لا يصدق إلى ما يقرب من كل فريق يزورونه. ضررنا هو جيد جدا - الأسلحة التي من شأنها أن تجعل أكثر التبجيل من توينكس العرق تعطينا أي مشاكل على الإطلاق - ونحن الخوض في دور الدعم بشكل جيد جدا، التلميع المهارات مباشرة، وإعطاء وتأخذ الصحة، والحفاظ على نانوبولز من الطبيب أصدقاء لطيفة والكامل، وغيرها من هواة أنيق والحيل. ما يهدف هذا الدليل إلى القيام به هو جذب بفمر إلى مهنة التاجر. نأمل بعد قراءة هذا، ربما يوول تعطي هذه المهنة دوامة، ونرى لماذا أنا أحب ذلك كثيرا. الجزء 1) اختيار السلالة أجد أن اختيار سلالة تقريبا non8217t المسألة مع مهنة التاجر، وخاصة على مستويات عالية (وهذا هو بالطبع افتراض لديك شادولاندز 8211 إذا كنت don8217t، ثم you8217ll تجد السلالات تحمل الاختلافات الرئيسية أكثر وضوحا). في البداية، يجد معظم الناس أوبيفيكس أو التجار سوليتيس أسهل للعب جيدة هب جنبا إلى جنب مع نانوبول جيدة وقدرات متوازنة نوعا ما (ربما ربما أوبيفيكس ومشاكله مع القدرة على التحمل في بعض الأحيان) جعل هذه السلالتين مناسبة تماما لمهنة التاجر. أوبيفيكس يحمل ميزة على سوليتوس مع سيمبيانتس ومهارة بندقية أعلى قليلا من التجار سوليتس، ولكن هذا يضع فقط سوليتيس في عيار وثيق جدا مع أوبيفيكس كلاهما سلالات كبيرة في جميع أنحاء. تجار نانوماج لديهم وقت أسهل صب نانوس أعلى، والحصول على أفضل نانوبول في مستويات منخفضة (لدينا نانوس يمكن أن يكلف الكثير من شريط عند بدء تشغيل مصارف المهارة)، ولكن بالطبع لديه مشكلة مع هب. منذ خرجت فقدت عدن بها، وقد أعطيت سلالة نانوماج بعض التعزيزات: بعض نانوس يمكننا استخدام (نانوبوت الدفاع) هي أكثر فعالية كما نانوماج، وهناك بند خاص هناك أن نانوماج فقط أن يعطي 5000 نقطة امتصاص عندما حق النقر. إذا كنت حرة للعب، تجاهل كل ذلك، ولكن لا يزال لا يتوقف سلالة نانو من كونها قابلة للحياة تماما - مجرد احترس من أن قنبلة موقوتة موقوتة من شريط هب. تجار أتروكس لديهم مصدر جيد من هب، والتي يمكن أن تكون مفيدة جدا ل سولوينغ. ومع ذلك، فإننا نستخدم الكثير من نانوبول في حياتنا، ونتيجة ل أتروكس، سيكون لديك صعوبة في الحصول على نانوبول للعمل بشكل صحيح كما افضل ما لديكم في فريق - على الرغم من أن هذا ربما لا يهم كثيرا في TL7، ما مع كل نانوبول تجديد يمكننا الحصول على هذه النقطة. بالتأكيد يمكن القيام به، ويمكن أن يكون متعة. مجرد اعتبار نفسك محذر. التعديل الأخير كان بواسطة: سيتوس يوليو 30th، 2011 في 02:18:58. الجزء 2) دور التاجر ليس فقط يمكننا استخدام الأسلحة لمساعدتنا في القتال، يمكننا أيضا استخدام مهاراتنا، والمهارات الخصم 21217s، صحتنا، صحتهم، أيا كان، ونقله إلى أنفسنا أو فريقنا. على سبيل المثال، let8217s تحقق من أعلى 8220team heal82218230 قسط تأخر الدفع الصحي كل عضو في فريق عجلات تلتئم ل 920-1،144 نقطة من الأضرار. تدفع العجلة عن طريق فقدان ببطء كميات صغيرة من الصحة لمدة الصيغة. أساسا، نقوم بتغيير شيء في شخصيتنا أو هدف العدو ونقل الآثار إلى أنفسنا أو فريقنا. لدينا فريق التاجر يشفي شفاء الفريق للحصول على مبلغ من الضرر، في حين أصاب صحتنا الخاصة إلى كوتايكوت للتأثير. هذا هو نفسه مع بعض من نانولينس أخرى: لدينا الصحة هاجلرز، التي تستنزف صحتنا وشفاء هدف واحد فريلوادرزهيلث الصحة النهب، التي تستنزف أهداف هب وإعطائها لنا، وثلاثة من الخطوط التي تؤثر على أكس: واحد يستنزف لدينا أس و هواة فريقنا أو الهدف، آخر يستنزف الهدف ويعطينا أكس، والثالثة (التي تتوفر للتجار مع التوسعات) ديبوف أكس الهدف من كمية كبيرة جدا. وعلاوة على ذلك، لدينا: سكيل درينز خط نانو توقيعنا. هذا الخط من نانوس عرف مهنتنا منذ بداية اللعبة، وفقط في الآونة الأخيرة قد تم تمديدها إلى آفاق جديدة. هذه هي الطريقة التي يعمل بها: نحن ديبوف الهدف من نانوسكيلز و أوسيسكيلز، ومن ثم برتقالي مهاراتنا الخاصة من قبل مماثلة، ولكن أصغر كمية. لاحظ أن لا تأثير استنزاف، ولا تأثير نقل علينا سوف تؤثر على أسلحة خاصة خاصة، مثل انفجار أو فولوتو. What8217s حتى برودة هو حقيقة أن لدينا خطوط استنزاف مهارة اثنين (ديبريفديفيست، رانساكبلوندر) يمكن كومة، مما يساعدنا على زيادة مهاراتنا على قدم وساق. باستخدام هذين الخطين، يمكننا العمل على الأداء الأمثل، وذلك باستخدام شفاء كبيرة، والهدوء جيدة، و. المراسلات هذه الأقواس هي عكس القطبية لمصارف المهارة. وبدلا من إزالة هدفنا والتخلص من أنفسنا، فإننا نرفض أنفسنا من سلاح و نانوسكيلز إلى برتقالي إما هدفنا أو فريقنا من قبل كمية مماثلة بعد أصغر لمدة ثلاث دقائق. ومرة أخرى، لا توجد عروض خاصة في مجال الأسلحة. أعلى واحد مشاجرة يحلق 131 المهارات و سعى جدا بعد نانو من قبل لاعبين آخرين للمساعدة في الحصول على سلاحهم على أو نانو بهم مسبوكة. المزيد من المشابك في إطلاق سراح كنا نعمة مع خط رانجلر أومبرال. هذا الخط من نانوس يفعل الشيء نفسه كما فريق وراينغل 8211 مع الاختلافات رهيبة. أحد الاختلافات الرئيسية هو أننا أرينت ديبوفد على الإطلاق. على الرغم من أننا لا كسب آثارها. آثار هذه المشابك هي أيضا مستوى مقفل، سواء في نانو الأم والطفل كوتوراكوت. وتستمر هذه المشاحنات لساعات، وهي محبوبة كثيرا في الفرق، لأنها تحمل نانوسكيل و هاندزكيل الهائج من إخوتهم 3 دقائق. السيطرة على الحشود لدينا ثلاثة نانوس في هذه الفئة: الجذور، والهدوء، والسحر. جذور عقد هدف في مكان - بسيطة بما فيه الكفاية - ويهدئ محاولة لإزالة هدف من القتال حتى يتم الهجوم مرة أخرى. سحر العمل مثل البيروقراطية سحر، حيث الغوغاء الهدف، على افتراض أنه منخفض بما فيه الكفاية نفسية، يمكن السيطرة عليها مثل الحيوانات الأليفة من قبل التاجر. ومع ذلك، خلال فترة الساحرة، ونحن أساسا فاجأ لا تتحرك، لا قتال. فقط عندما ينفد سحر أو يموت الغوغاء يمكن أن نعود مرة أخرى. غير مفيدة على الإطلاق. شيء واحد عن الهدوء لدينا هو مرة واحدة يمكنك استنزاف واستخدام بسيط العقل، بسيطة الملذات، فلن متغيرة تهدأ حتى مستوى 209. وهو تماما التعهد. ضرر تجار واحد تأثير جانبي سعيدة من المصارف مهارة لدينا يجري قادرة على تجهيز أسلحة عالية الجودة على مستوى عال جدا، مما يتيح لنا فرصة للقيام أجزاء ضخمة من الضرر عند مستويات منخفضة. مثل الوضع مع الهدوء، على الرغم من you8217ll تجد لك ضرب هضبة في مستوى 120-130، عندما يمكنك يلقي أعلى المصارف أرك، يمكنك الحصول على زرع ql200 أندور استيقظت التكافل في، وتعتمد على حقيقة أن بندقية يمكن فقط ترتفع 4 نقاط لكل مستوى، وأن 8217s على افتراض you8217re في أماكن سعيدة حيث أقفال عنوان aren8217t اغلاق لك باستمرار. دون 8217t اليأس، على الرغم من 8211 بعض من أفضل البنادق تبدأ تظهر عند هذه النقطة. المعالجون لدينا ثلاثة خطوط من نانوس نستخدمها ذات الصلة للشفاء 8211 لدينا فريق المذكورة أعلاه يشفي، هاجلرز صحتنا، والصحة فريلوادرسبلوندرز. وبطبيعة الحال، we8217re في أي مكان بالقرب من فعالية المغامرين والأطباء في الشفاء، ولكن we8217re على قدم المساواة مع الفنانين القتالية، والآن مع شفاء جديد نحن قليلا وراءهم. التعديل الأخير كان بواسطة: سيتوس يوليو 30th، 2011 في 02:21:01. الجزء 3) نقاط تحسين Here8217s كيف يمكنني تحديد أولويات إنفاقك من الملكية الفكرية. ولكن تذكر أن هذه تأتي من وجهة نظر تاجر القتالية للتجار الموجهة للتداول قد تضطر إلى إجراء بعض التعديلات كما كنت مستوى، وخاصة في الأسلحة الخاصة بك. كدليل عام، والحد الأقصى جميع القدرات 6، مع استثناء ممكن من قوة إذا كنت حرة للعب. لا تهمل قوة للمتداولين المدفوعة، كما هو جزء حيوي من حملنا سيمبيانت، وخاصة في التكافل المدفعية. الأكثر أهمية بوديديفنانوبول يحدد بودي ديف الحد الأقصى من هب، يحدد نانوبول احتياطياتك القصوى من نانوبول. المبلغ يعتمد على سلالة الخاص بك. ل 220 بب، وخاصة في هذا العصر (اعتبارا من 09 ديسمبر) مع انتشار السد الخاصة الأسلحة، وهو مبلغ منظم (أي منخفض) من هب لحلق بعض الضرر من اللاعبين هو شيء جيد، بحيث أوثيالينغ هذه الزيارات ستكون أسهل. إذا كنت لا تخطط على ببينغ، ومن المؤكد أن تبقي بوديديف الحد الأقصى. بندقية واضح جدا: هذا هو سلاحنا الرئيسي. إلا إذا كنت تذهب مع خيارات أكثر غرابة (الأسلحة الثقيلة، فنون الدفاع عن النفس، سمغبيستولرانجيدنيرجي اليد)، والحفاظ على أن شريط بندقية شغلها. تيمسباسيبسيمود لدينا مصارف المهارة والمتشابك، واللحم للتاجر، تتطلب هذه نانوسكيلز. التهرب كلسك هذا هو القانون الأساسي الدفاع أن معظم الغوغاء الهجمات سوف تحقق ضد. ينقسم الغوغاء روبيكا قليلا بين المشاجرة وتراوحت الغوغاء، ولكن يبدو كل الغوغاء واحد في سي لهجوم يفحص هذا القانون. كومب ليتيراسي يحدد هذا القانون نوعية الأحزمة ورقائق الذاكرة التي يمكنك تثبيتها، والتي بدورها تحدد كم وعدد البرامج التي يمكنك تشغيلها في نكو الخاص بك. لدينا مخالب كبيرة لهذا القانون، ولكن لا تزال فكرة جيدة للحفاظ على هذا الرقم القياسي عالية، كما لدينا المصارف يمكن أن تأخذ مساحة كبيرة جدا من الفضاء. فإنه يحدد أيضا كم من المال تحصل من بيع سلع إلى المحطات، وكيف محطات رخيصة بيع سلعهم ل. العلاج باستثناء الظلال، لا توجد مهارة أخرى أكثر أهمية لشخصية. هذا القانون هو كروسيلال لتثبيت يزرع و سيمبيانتس، التي تشكل - حرفيا - هيكل كيف الطابع الخاص بك وظائف في القتال. مهارات لرفع عندما تراوحت قادرة إينيت يحدد هذا القانون مدى سرعة بندقية الخاص بك (أو مسدس أو سمغ أو.) الحرائق. وبما أن معظم أسلحتنا بطيئة في البداية، 100-200 نقطة في هذه المهارة لن تجعل لعق الفرق. عندما يمكنك رفعه إلى حوالي 400 وما بعد ذلك أن يبدأ هذا القانون لجعل أي انخفاض مرئية في وقت لاحق. مهارة على وجه التحديد أهمية على طول الطريق، على الرغم من أنه يحدد ما كوتسويت بقعة من سلاحك هو (أي أبعد على طول ديف على أغدف ممكن في حين لا يزال حفظ سلاحك في أسرع). نانو إنيت كوبيباست لتعليق إنيتد المتراكم. أي كمية من نانو إينيت يمكن تغيير نانوبروغرامس التغذية، ولكن. دودجيرانجدوكسبلوسيفس بعض الغوغاء أرك تحقق دودج تراوحت، وبعض الغوغاء سي تحقق كل من هذه المهارات. بطة المتفجرات نادرة جدا على روبيكا، حتى يبقيه ونيبيد إذا كنت قصيرة على إب لتجار الحرة للعب. مولترانجد هذا يعتمد إلى حد كبير على ما الأسلحة التي تمارسها. إذا كنت البقاء في الدورة مع البنادق البنادق واحدة، لا تولي اهتماما لهذه المهارة. إذا كنت لا تستخدم البنادق متعددة الاستخدامات، ورفع هذه المهارة بحيث مع هواة، يزرع و واتنوت، يمكنك تلبية أدنى شرط مر من اثنين من البنادق كنت تحاول تجهيز. فلينغشوتيمدشوت هذه المهارات هما المتطلبات الرئيسية للبنادق لدينا. تهدف اطلاق النار ليس كثيرا، ولكن لدينا أفضل بب سلاح (ق) استخدامه، وتقريبا كل منهم يتطلب فلينغشوت. رفع لهم ما تحتاج إليه. الحسية العفريت تستخدم ل تهدئة. يمكنك كيندا الإنزلاق من قبل مستويات اللقب القليلة الأولى دون تحميل الهدوء واحد، ولكن في TL4 وما بعدها، قد يطلب منك أن تكون أكثر هدوءا إذا لم يكن كرات أو نت في الفريق، حتى تكون مستعدة. بيتامور ميتامور يستخدم لدينا الشفاء والزي نانوس. كلاهما نانوس التي هي مفيدة إلى حد ما فقط في حالات معينة. نانوس الزي (فريق نانو تجديد بوفس) سعى بعد لارتفاع مستوى فريق اللعب للتجار المدفوعة، حتى تبقى تلك المحدثة عندما يمكنك. نانو ريسيست هذه هي مهارة الظرفية أخرى: إذا كنت العادية على روبي كا، أو التركيز على حماية الأصناف النباتية، وزيادة هذا مرتفعا كما يمكنك. ان لم. ثم، حسنا، أيا كان. حتى في 220 إيف لم يتم العثور على حاجة كبيرة لهذا في بم. جميع المهارات الأخرى في التجارة والإصلاح لهذا التفسير، وتشمل برياكامبنتري من التجسس. هذا هو القرار الذي تقوم به في بداية مهنة المتداولين الخاص بك: هل تركز على الأسلحة، أو ترادسكيلز إذا كنت تركز على ترادسكيلز، والانتظار حتى 150 عندما يكون لديك إب إب و إد تشير إلى استخدام البنادق واحدة واحدة للتأكد من أنك فعل. إذا كنت لا، ثم إعطاء كومب محو الأمية التفاني الأبدية وترك الأخرى وحدها. المهارات إلى الركود مع المسألة كريا موافق، أنا سوف تكون حادة. حتى 185، لدينا أس نانوس (ماتكريتيمزباس) هي مضيعة كاملة للوقت. انهم لا برتقالي بما فيه الكفاية وانهم لا ديبوف كافية إما. أرك الغوغاء ليس لديهم أي أكس يستحق الكتابة عن ومعظم اللاعبين اليوم تحمل ما يكفي لعدم الاهتمام بضع مئات أو زوجين زيادة ألف نقطة، اعتمادا على مستوى السؤال. إذا كنت تاجر الحرة للعب، في أقرب وقت يمكنك الوصول إلى 777 ماتكريا للبوابة الشبكة مع ربما واحد استنزاف، ثم التوقف عن رفع ماك تماما. إذا كنت لا، انتظر حتى 185 لزيادة ذلك ديبوفس أس كبيرة تأتي في اللعب في هذه المرحلة والعديد من اللاعبين (ماس، ومعظمهم) سوف الحب أن مجموعة الضرر واسعة يمكن وضعها على حسن الاستخدام. المادة ميتا ميتا ميتا هو أكثر عديمة الفائدة: تستخدم ل مجموعه كبيرة من واحد نانولين، الهزال الضرر. وأنها تمتص حقا. ويمكن أن تكون الوسيطة ل القاتل لا يمكن وقفها، أعلى نانو في الخط، ولكن على الرغم من ذلك ليس على رأس أولوياتك. مهارات أخرى من ملاحظة فنون الدفاع عن النفس، مسدس، مغسمغ، تراوحت الطاقة، الأسلحة الثقيلة هذه هي لدينا كوتالرناتيفيكوت الأسلحة، و إل تشغيل لكم من خلالهم لفترة وجيزة. فنون الدفاع عن النفس حسنا، هذا الطريق ينطوي على التخلي عن استخدام أي أسلحة (حتى 210) واللكم الاشياء. صعب جدا. شيء بارد أن نلاحظ أن فنون الدفاع عن النفس هو منحنى في المصارف لدينا ولا تحدث صراعات نانوسكيل في الاجهزة زرع. لسوء الحظ، كانت لا تزال غير فعالة تماما في هذا المجال كما الفنانين القتالية الحقيقية، الذين ليس فقط يمكن الحصول على قالب الضرر متفوقة ولكن أيضا معدل أفضل من الزيارات الحرجة. هذا هو شيء متعة قليلا لتجربة مع، وإذا كنت تستطيع الحصول على فرصة كريت الخاص بك حتى هناك في المستويات العليا، في بديل بارد ل بندقية. هذا يعني أنه سوف يأكل كل ما تبذلونه من ترادسكيل إب: تحتاج إلى زيادة مولتيميلي، فنون الدفاع عن النفس، شجار، فيس إينيت و ديماش للقيام بذلك وأنها لا تأتي بالضبط رخيصة. مسدس، مغسمغ، تراوحت الطاقة هذه المهارات تميل تشير إلى منظمة العفو الدولية وأسلحة لي مع هذا السلاح التي يمكن استخدامها كسلامة إلى واحدة الشهيرة بندقية يمكننا استخدامها، وسام سميث شاترجون. مسدسات كيروزش - نوع 1، مسدسات آلة كيروزش - نوع 5، و دريادلوش الرابعين (أحيانا مسدسات الطاقة كيروزش - نوع 5) وجدت في هذا المسار. مرة أخرى، وهذا هو الآكل إب ضخمة، ولكن يسمح لك للحفاظ على الامتيازات بندقية وتصنيف الهجوم، وفي هذه اللحظة، فسدرابير هو أفضل السرد الضرر يمكن للتاجر 220 استخدام، بسبب رشقات نارية سريعة. الأسلحة الثقيلة وشاحن بولت ضخمة. سلاحها واحد، بالتأكيد، ولكن لها عجلات حلم بندقية، وخيار شمانز كذلك. سيارة الهواء رفع إلى 81 لمركبة أمامية أو Ql30 يالماها لتمكين رحلة في روبي-كا. خريطة نافي رفع إلى 150 في وقت مبكر على ترقيات الخريطة، ثم طريقة الطريق في وقت لاحق عند البدء في المشاركة في غارات تاراسك، رفع إلى 450 لرفع علامات الوجهين. سرعة تشغيل المبادئ التوجيهية العامة هي للحفاظ عليه في منتصف الطريق، أو على الأقل بما فيه الكفاية لعدم الحصول على أوستريبد من قبل الناس نصف مستواك. التعديل الأخير كان بواسطة: سيتوس يوليو 30th، 2011 في 02:26:57. الآن للتركيز على جزء من المرح حقا من المتداول: الجزء 5) أدوات التجارة العنيفة كما التجار والمهارة لدينا المصارف برتقالي الأسلحة لدينا بنسبة تصل إلى 420 نقطة ل فروبس و 550 للتجار المدفوعة 8211 لذلك من الناحية الفنية we8217re يسمح لاستخدام أي تقريبا الأسلحة التي نريدها، شريطة أن 8217re لا مهنة مؤمن أو مجرد الخروج من مهارات الوصول لدينا الحكيمة. على أي حال، لدينا الأكثر شعبية: فيكتور ند بندقية قل 1 - 180 هذا السلاح هو واحد من البنادق المفضلة لدي في اللعبة، لسببين 8211 لا حاجة إب في فلينغشوت أو مولتيرانجد، مما يساعدنا على تجهيزه مع المصارف لدينا أكثر سهولة من مع معظم والبنادق الأخرى، وتأثير الرسومات حلوة من اطلاق النار بندقية. الضربات الحرجة على هذا السلاح يمكن أن تكون متطرفة، والزيارات العادية يمكن أن تكون جيدة جدا. للتجار فروب، وهذا هو مسار غير مكلفة لاستخدامها في المستوى الأعلى. سبرينغفيلد أرمز (S. A.) الصفحة الرئيسية المدافع قل 1 - 200 أنا أيضا أحب هذا بندقية 8211 ما يفتقر إليه في آثار الرسومات مسار بارد أنها تشكل لفي اسم حلوة ومذهلة. هذا السلاح هو بيد واحدة، وبالنسبة لبعض السبب مجنون يفعل أضرار منتظمة أفضل من فيكتور (حتى الآن أقل قليلا كريت). لسوء الحظ، QL65 الماضي، ومتطلبات متعددة تراوحت يمكن أن تصبح مزعجة للغاية 8211 ولكن على الرغم من ذلك، واحد المدافع المنزل يمكن أن لا تزال تعمل بشكل جيد للغاية. نعم، هناك أرك ترقيات سلاح لهذا السلاح، ولكن هناك حقا لا يوجد سبب لك من استخدامها 8211 في حين أنه يعطيها قذف النار، فإنه يلقي إلى حد كبير كل من أضراره من النافذة. مضخة المتدرب مضخة ماستر قل 40 - 49 قل 50 مرحبا، بندقية رفع القوة. غير مصنفة الآن من قبل نيلبس كابوس باتليرود ل ببيرس مستوى منخفض، وهذا لا يزال مدفع مدهش لتسوية التجار. في حين بطيئة، فإنه اللكمات ثقوب في أي شيء كنت تشير إلى حتى حوالي مستوى 50 أو نحو ذلك. إذا كان لديك النقدية، أو هي مجرد محظوظا، وهذا سوف تستمر لك بعض الوقت حتى يمكنك العثور على QL100ish الجميلة سميث. قطرات من QL40-50ish دينابوسس على أرك. كروت أسولت 219 والتزينغ كوين سبيشيال قل 1 - 184 ثاتس رايت، كيدوس: 1143. أعلى تصنيف حطام سجل على أي سلاح قابل للتخطي في أنارشي أونلاين. وعلاوة على ذلك، ماكس المهارة المفيدة (قيمة التي مهارة يمكن أن تثار حتى يتوقف عن الضرر) هو ممتاز ل بندقية أرك، وقد أفيد أنه في فرص عالية كرية بما فيه الكفاية، فإنه أدماجيس جميع البنادق الأخرى. شوبويابل و مهمة قابل للدحرجة. ماو من الهاوية (مستوى 125 المطلوبة) قطرات خاصة في الداخلية سانكتوم. شرط قذف على هذا السلاح هو أعلى نوعا ما لبندقية تتطلب 1050ish في سلاح السلاح الرئيسي، ولكن بمجرد الحصول على هذا السلاح على، you8217ll تكون جاهزة وتعمل بأقصى سرعة مرة أخرى، وخاصة كما تاجر فروب، حيث أنها سوف تستمر لك حتى مستوى 200. كما تاجر المدفوعة، وهذا السلاح لا تزال جيدة جدا، كما أن الضرر قذيفة يمكن أن تفعل الضرر اللائق ضد الغوغاء في سي، على الرغم من أنك قد يكون لها بعض المشاكل في أدونيس. العم بزيت دبلوماسية قل 1 - 200 دوالويلدد مع شاترغون، وهذا السلاح يمكن أن يكون بارد بارن جدا لاستخدامها لتاجر ثنائي التي لا تريد أن تنفق إب في مسدس أو سمغ. وجود ضرر قذيفة يساعد أيضا في سي. مطلق النار من مطلق النار حارس الباب من بورتر (سي المطلوبة) قل 1 - 299 قل 300 بندقية متعة حقا لمحاولة الخروج في مستويات منخفضة، كحد أقصى وأضرار كريت عالية ومتطلبات مولتيرانجد منخفضة نوعا ما. وهذا سوف يكون لها تأثير على روبي كا، ولكن مع الحد الأدنى من الضرر منخفضة كما هو، لا تأخذ خطوة في سي معها. قطرات من، من المفارقات، الغوغاء شادولاندس، الوجهين عادة والغوغاء ضد الغوارديان. بندقية من نوتيسابلبمسيف وجود (أومني مطلوب) قل 100 - 299 كل 300 بندقية من سافكيبينغسكوريتي (عشيرة المطلوبة) قل 100 - 299 قل 300 مثير للإعجاب هو عليه. هذا هو لدينا بدوره بندقية الروح وبينما لا يكون فلينغشوت، الحد الأقصى الضرر هائل (1000). بندقية النهاية ل فروبس، وخيارا عظيما للتجار المدفوعة، وخاصة في القطاع 10. تسقط بندقية قاعدة (إناموراتا أو ساكروسانكت بندقية) من الغوغاء من جانب واحد في شادولاندس، وكنت في حاجة إلى تورنزبيريت المناسب (الجمال لأومني، لامال الصامد لعشيرة) من 80 من قل للارتقاء به. مودورلوغو (سي مطلوب) قل 1 - 200 الآن هذا هو بندقية بارد. مع الحد الأدنى عالية جدا، عالية جدا جدا، وحسن جيد جدا، وهذا السلاح، في حين بطيئة، يمكن أن تفعل شيئا كبيرا من الضرر مع ما يكفي تراوحت إينيت، وإذا كان يمكنك الحصول على الوصول إلى زعماء في بينومبرا وجحيم في مستويات منخفضة فائقة، وهذا بندقية تستمر لك لفترة طويلة، منذ وقت طويل. قطرات من زادولاندس الزعماء. غرامة سميث شاترجون (سي مطلوب) قل 100 - 300 و بيشوترز الظهر، وطفل رضيع، ومع الانتقام. على الرغم من السرعة، وهذا هو أفضل بيد واحدة بندقية في اللعبة، ما مع متطلباتها المنخفضة، والحد الأدنى ممتازة والتقدير كريت، وخصوصا في كلس 100-149، وانخفاض متطلبات مولتيرانجد بفارغ الصبر لإضافة بندقية أخرى إلى اليد. لاحظ أن يده اليمنى فقط، لذلك لا أفكار غريبة، يا سماع الجانب السلبي الوحيد هو أنه يتعامل الضرر السم، وهو نوع الضرر نحن لا تستخدم في أي وقت آخر، ولكن بالكاد السبب في تسميته أي شيء آخر من بندقية رائعة. قطرات من الغوغاء جانبين في شادولاندس. Kyr8217Ozch بندقية (أي المطلوبة) قل 1 - 300 اتصل بي غريبة، اتصل بي مجنون، ولكن أنا حقا أحب شبكة سلاح على هذه البندقية 8211 it8217s ما بندقية في لعبة الخيال العلمي يجب أن تبدو. كما يبدو رهيبة. هذا بندقية سريع جدا 8211 1.51.5 هو أسرع بكثير من لدينا القديمة البنادق أرك كانت من أي وقت مضى. هذا السلاح يمكن أن تتم ترقية عن طريق نوع 1 الحيوي المواد إلى إطلاق النار قذف. طبعة خاصة كيروزش بندقية (أي المطلوبة) قل 150 أضرار رائعة للمتطلبات وسهولة الوصول، ولكن مبس سيكون قليلا من ضرر للتجار - 1500 لا توجد مشكلة على الإطلاق ل أواخر التجار TL5. ومع ذلك، بندقية رائعة خاصة لتسوية التجار. يأتي من حالة القطاع 7. سالابيم بندقية سوبريمو (منظمة العفو الدولية المطلوبة) قل 1 - 300 ليس الكثير لتقوله عن هذا السلاح. الحد الأدنى من الضرر كبيرة، وحسن الضرر جيدة، يضرب بسرعة و فلينغس، و you8217ve حصلت على اثنين من بندقية كبيرة الوفاض. فيكتور ند غراند ويرم (منظمة العفو الدولية ومستوى 210 المطلوبة) قل 300 لدينا صديق قديم فيكتور قد عاد، وهو قدامى المحاربين في ساحة المعركة. بندقية كبيرة في TL7 بمجرد الحصول على فرصة حرجة هناك. نطاق سلابيم بندقية سوبريمو (منظمة العفو الدولية ومستوى 210 المطلوبة) قل 300 بينما بروك الضرر بروك تبدو مثيرة للإعجاب، اتضح أنه حقا لا تستمر طويلا بما فيه الكفاية ليكون لها الفوز على الطمع من شان. لها بندقية أنيق لمحاولة - هو بالتأكيد ليس خيارا سيئا - ولكن لا ينبغي أن يكون لديك الذهاب إلى اختيار. أوفب سيلفيرباك مك x (مطلوب جنيه) كل 25n - 300 كفاءة الضرر من بندقية كيروزش مع، في مك 6، بب براعة إيثاكا القديمة. هذا هو لدينا رئيس بندقية ل بب، وذلك بفضل إيمدشوت سريع نسبيا والضرر هش جدا أنه يمكن طبق خارج. النسخة مك 5 هو أيضا سلاح بم الصلبة حتى تحصل على تجهيز الطمع. قاعدة بندقية اشترى مع نقاط النصر، ترقيات (80 من البنادق قل) نهبت في البعثات جنيه. الطمع من شان (لوكس مطلوب) قل 300 هذا هو واحد. مثال من البنادق رهيبة. الضرر ممتاز، وسرعة ممتازة، ومعدلات الحق في خط مع ما نستخدمه. هذا هو شكل مطورة من لوردلادي من الطمع، وترقية الحصول عليها من أي من تراث الملاعب شان. التعديل الأخير كان بواسطة: سيتوس يوليو 30th، 2011 في 02:49:00. البنادق المشتركة الأخرى ووو-إي و we8217re لا تزال لم تفعل مع الأسلحة وهنا بعض الأسلحة غير بندقية I8217ve ينظر التجار استخدامها. تخصيص إيمي الصحراء ريت 1000 (المستوى 41 المطلوبة) مسدس قل 80 قطرات من مدير مختبر في فوريمانز. بعض التجار فروب (واثنين من دفع أجور أيضا) يقول هذا هو بندقية جيدة جيدة لمنزلهم المدافع أو فين سميث شاترجون. إذا كنت حصلت على 8217ve إب، وأنا أقول المضي قدما 8211 أنها تمكن انفجار وقذف النار، وكلاهما خاصة بسرعة بدلا. دياموندين ركلة مسدس (أتركس تولد مطلوب) مسدس بندقية قل 200 أيضا بيد واحدة. A بيهموث من مسدس، وهذا هو مسدس كبير للتجار أتروكس فروب، حيث يمكن أن يسجل بعض ضخمة (على الرغم من بطء) رشقات نارية وأحيانا تحلق فلينغس. لتجار أتروكس المدفوعة 8211 جيدة جدا في سي يقترن مع شاترغون، منذ الحد الأقصى لها هو عالية جدا وأضرار قذيفة أس جيدة هناك، ولكن بمجرد إدخال أدونيس، it8217s الوقت للتخلي عن هذا السلاح. قطرات من الجندي دايموندين. Kyr8217Ozch مسدس (منظمة العفو الدولية المطلوبة) مسدس قل 1 - 300 ابتداء من 150 أو نحو ذلك، الإصدار 1 من هذا السلاح يمكن أن يكون حقا حلوة لاستخدامها في QL199 (أو QL200 إذا كنت تستخدم شاترغون مع انخفاض شرط مر كافية) للمساعدة في أكومولاتور procs. Kyr8217Ozch آلة مسدس (منظمة العفو الدولية المطلوبة) مغ سمغ قل 1 - 300 النسخة نوع 5 من هذا السلاح يمكن أن تكون ممتعة جدا لاستخدام يقترن مع شاترغون بدءا من مستوى 120 أو نحو ذلك. في حين أنها لا تستخدم انفجار عندما it8217s كتبته (و we8217re ليست جيدة جدا مع الحصول على انفجار حتى هناك) it8217s لا يزال بندقية كبيرة للاستخدام. طبعة خاصة كيروزش الطاقة مسدس (منظمة العفو الدولية المطلوبة) تراوحت الطاقة قل 150 بيد واحدة، لائق انفجار التغذية، وليس على أساس من بندقية، وسهلة للغاية لتجهيز. نعم، نعم، ونعم. الضرر هو في الواقع محترمة كذلك، وخاصة مع سريع نسبيا انفجار إعادة تدوير الموقت. الغريب بما فيه الكفاية، فإنه لا الضرر قذيفة، لذلك خطة للتبديل أرولس عند تجهيز البندقية المقبل على هذه القائمة. يأتي من حالة القطاع 7. دريادلوش السيف (لي والمستوى 210 المطلوبة) تراوحت الطاقة قل 300 نعم. الطاقة المترابطة. لا ثقب. على أي حال. والفرق الرئيسي بين آلة Kyr8217Ozch مسدس نوع 5 و دريبير هو أن شرط انفجار هو 1001 بدلا من 1501، مما يجعل هذا الطريق بندقية أسهل لتجهيز في 210. أيضا، لا يوجد بندقية تأخير تأخير التغذية. في أقرب وقت كما يمكنك تجهيز هذا السلاح، وأكد you8217re تأخير 9 ثانية بين رشقات نارية. قطرات من زعماء دريادلوش المنتشرة في جميع أنحاء روبي-كا. شاحن بولت هائل (سي مطلوب) أسلحة ثقيلة قل 220 - 260 هذا السلاح هو الكثير مثل سدر - انفجار و قذف، وكلاهما سريع. باستثناء هذا السلاح، كنت مضمونة تقريبا انفجار توج بمجرد تجهيز بندقية. لهذا السبب، هو سلاح التاجر المفضل لكثير من قطاع 10 توينكس، وهو مسار بارد إلى مستوى مع من TL5 إلى TL7. قطرات من أفريت إليس. الجزء 6) كيفية حماية نفسك في الفوضى على الانترنت، وهناك الكثير من الخيارات الدروع هناك، وبالنسبة للتاجر معظم أي درع سوف تفعل جيدا لمستوى في. الجحيم، معظم صفعة المتداولين على ميدسويت الحق قبالة الجزيرة وتنفجر إلى مستوى دون إعطاء الرعاية عن درعهم حتى وقت لاحق بكثير، وذلك بسبب حقيقة أكثر الانتعاش الصحي يمكن أن يكون أكثر فعالية من التخفيف من الضرر طفيفة. ومع ذلك، كما معظم التجار عاقل يسخرون ستونا في الدعاوى والوافدين الجدد على طول الطريق إلى 220، هيريس قائمة قصيرة من الدروع التاجر شعبية: المفترس درع (سي و تيتلليفيل 3 المطلوبة) تحسس قل 100 هذا هو واحد آخر من تلك الدروع كسول مان يرتدي بعض التجار بعد أن تجاوزوا مدويت. هذه المجموعة من الدروع يمكن أن تكون مكلفة نوعا ما - الأكمام خصوصا يمكن أن تحمل ثمن ضخم - ولكنك لن تحتاج تقريبا تقريبا مجموعة أخرى من الدروع حتى 150 أو نحو ذلك. قطرات من زعماء المفترس الإليزيوم (أن يكون محذر، يتم خوض هؤلاء أرباب العمل في كثير من الأحيان) كاربونوم درع القدرة على التحمل أجيليتي قل 1 - 200 المفضلة لكثير من لاعب يبحث عن مجموعة متاحة بسهولة من الدروع. ترادسكيلد من المخازن كاربونوم لوحات، هذه الدروع لديها الصلاحية الجرف لائق كذلك. يمكن أن تتم ترقية عن طريق أومنيفيرس (يجعل أومني كاربونوم، إضافة هب) أو كلاناليزرز (يجعل ستورم كاربونوم، مضيفا نانوريسيست) للدروع الجانبية فقط. يبدأ لانقاص صالحها قليلا عاجلا من المفترس، كما أفضل بكثير خيارات الدروع تبدأ ظهرت. الأول الثاني (تشوسنفيثفول) تيرس التاجر درع (سي المطلوبة) الذكاء نفسية قل 100 - 160 160 - 220 220 - 300 إيف تركت عمدا أي صلة في كوتسيكوندفايثفولكوت - لأنه مضيعة لكميات لا تصدق من الوقت والجهد فقط للحصول على هذه الدروع و الحصول عليه ترقية. فقط، قطع فقط قد تنظر في أي وقت مضى في حياتك هو الصدر، الذي يضيف إلى بندقية. وحتى الآن لا أوفاب الصدر، وهو كوتفريكوت وخارجها أفضل. شيء واحد سأقول على الرغم من - المختار المؤمن تاجر الدرع تبدو رهيبة تماما (في رأيي) حتى إذا كنت في حاجة الى الدروع الاجتماعية، وجعلها جعلت أعتقد المقايضة درع المخابرات نفسية قل 25 - 200 هذا الدروع هو مثير بطريقتين - وتبدو مصنوعة تقريبا بنفس الطريقة كما كاس الدرع التكافلي هو (كاس بالمناسبة هو درع لطيفة لتجار أتركس، كما أنه يضيف بعض التعديلات الحلو، تبدو باردة، ويتطلب قوة والقدرة على التحمل)، إلا يتم إجراء المقايضة مع نانو درع المعزز كما قاعدتها الدروع، بدلا من غرافتورغانيك الدروع التي تستخدم كاس. طريقة أفضل من الطبقة، في رأيي، وقابلة للاستخدام من قبل فروبس حماة إليسيان كويراس (سي المطلوبة) القدرة على التحمل النفسي قل 100 ومع ذلك الكثير من رمز يشبه صدمة أومني كاربونوم، يبدو شيئا مثل ذلك على الطابع الخاص بك. -5 نانوكوست لا يصدق، و 50 نانوبول حلوة جدا. هذا الدرع ربما تستمر لكم على طول الطريق حتى 180 أو نحو ذلك، عندما يأتي الأزور برياستبلات على طول. حاوية القديمة (سي و تيتل ليفيل 4 مطلوب) مغامرة القدرة على التحمل كل 150 العظمى أكس، والمكافآت بارد، وسهلة لتجهيز - احصائيات كبيرة لقطعة كبيرة من الدروع للحصول على واحد: للحصول على حاوية القديمة، عليك أن تذهب إلى أدونيس، وجمع 6 (إذا كنت بحاجة إلى أن تعبر عن اسمها)، ثم قم بزيارة معبد أدونيس للفصيل المتعارض الخاص بك، قم بقتل إكابيليست (أو أيا كان اسمه).، تجارة شاراتك إلى الودية الغوغاء شفافة أن يولد، والانتظار حوالي 5 دقائق، ثم قتل إمباث. نيلبس نانو ماستر رداء (المستوى 41 و 301 في جميع نانوسكيلز المطلوبة) أم. نانوسكيل الشرط قل 50 لا ينبغي الخلط مع رداء نانو الدائرة، التي هي قاعدة لهذا الدرع الخلفي. في الأساس، يمكنك جلب عباءة (الذي يسقط من نهاية مدرب من خطوات الجنون)، وجمع واحدة من كل الأثير من زنزانة، ورميها كل ذلك معا، وتحصل على ما بكثير الى حد كبير إكسارتش رداء مع مكافأة 15 نقطة للجميع 6 نانوسكيلز. والصبي هو رهيبة هذا أونيل الماضي كنت تماما في حين، في الواقع. الحجاب من الذكاء مدمرة محو الأمية ق 100 المعادلات مثير بشكل لا يصدق على هذا الدرع الخلفي (للأسف ليس لديه شبكة)، مضيفا 30 إلى تراوحت إينيت والمتهرب، و 5 لجميع نانوسكيلز، بالإضافة إلى العديد من المعدلات الأخرى. الكمال الغريبة دبابات درع (منظمة العفو الدولية المطلوبة) قوة التحمل قل 150 يا رب بلدي. معدلات رائعة على هذه القطعة من الدروع، ونسخة نانوماج من هذا الدروع دبابات مريضة وخاطئة من حيث يعزز القانون الأساسي. ترادسكيلد من أجزاء وجدت في القطاع 10. (إمبروفيدبينتيمات) أوفاب التاجر درع (فقدت عدن المطلوبة) ذكاء نفسية قل 25 - 300 في الزيادات من 25 وهناك الكثير مثل الدروع الطبقة، باستثناء عدد لا يحصى من المعدلات على هذه المجموعة هو يستحق الجهد للحصول على مجموعة من أوفاب. اشترى مع نائب الرئيس من البعثات لي و باتلستاتيونس، ورفع مستواها باستخدام نوع 468 السير. هناك الدروع باردة أخرى هناك الدروع أركشول ألدشول مثل زهرة التقنية و ديكوس الدروع، مييس الدروع (مييس نانو الصدر ل - نانوكوست وقفازات مييس تراوحت ل بندقية و أجيليتي تأخذ إشعار خاص)، السرعوف، الخ ارتداء ما يعمل ل أنت، و TL6 يجب أن يكون لديك فكرة صلبة من الخيارات الخاصة بك في درع من ثم فصاعدا، والتي تشمل أساسا منظمة العفو الدولية درع وربما بعض القطع من درع لواء الغبار، من بين أمور أخرى. التعديل الأخير كان بواسطة: سيتوس يوليو 30th، 2011 في 02:42:32. الامتيازات في إطلاق سراح، تعاملنا مع فرصة هائلة في الارتقاء بمهاراتنا 8211 الامتيازات. كما اللاعبين، نحصل على واحد كل 10 مستويات حتى 200 في 200، نحصل على واحد في مستوى. وسوف قائمة الامتيازات الرئيسية التي نستخدمها، سواء لمنظمة العفو الدولية و سي. (هناك دليل بحثي لي على المنتديات، لذلك أنا لن تفاصيل عن خطوط البحث لدينا) هنا نذهب، أسفل قائمة الخام من ما سوف تستخدم: (مهنة بغت، مجموعة غت، جنلغت العامة) P غ تراكم 240 ماكسهيلث ، 960 ماكسنانو، 11 هيلدلتا، 11 نانودلتا ماكس ذلك. أوه، كنت في حاجة الى تفسير هنا: مخبأة داخل المعدلات هو صحة صغيرة خاصة و نانوبوانت استنزاف بروك. في كل مرة كنت ضرب مع سلاح، لديك فرصة 25 لسرقة قليلا من هب و نب من الهدف. في مستويات منخفضة، والكميات لا يكاد يكون ملحوظا، ولكن بمجرد الوصول الى نقطة بيرك 6 أو 7، والتمتع لا تحتاج مجموعات بعد الآن، وخاصة إذا كنت دوالويلد. P غ ديستيل الحياة 220 حصان، 30 هيلدلتا، جني الحياة. سفك الدماء. Vital Shock One thing to note here is that Distill Life adds some extra points to the effects of Umbral Wranglers (making the top one go from 147 to 153 at perk level 10). Until you can max your Accumulator and Shotgun Mastery perk lines, and also be able to get 9 points in this line for Vital Shock, I wouldn8217t touch this line. The HP and Healdelta modifiers on this line are too small to be worth it, and Reap LifeBloodletting don8217t do a whole world of good until you can get enough points into Distill Life. P gt VOLUNTEER 100 to all evades, 100 Ranged Init, 100 Nano Init, Tap Vitae. Sacrifice. Purple Heart ( AI ) Now this is one shiny perkline. Tap Vitae is a perk that damages the target 8211 and heals the entire team Unfortunately it only gains marginal boosts in power until perk level 9, where it damages for 300 and heals 500 still not much. Now, at perk level 10, this perk finally shows its potential, damaging the target for 560 points and healing the team for around 1200-1400 points with a 25 second recharge this can be really cool. Sacrifice is a huge boost to the teams damage (1300 points at perk level 10), but your health is set to 1000 points and your attack rating and defense rating is completely shut down, and oddly enough seems to cause an AOE aggro spike - and with this perk running, all monsters will hit you for critical hits, so hide in a safe spot near your team before firing. Purple Heart is a rather cool team heal (6500-8000) but cripples you the same way as does Sacrifice. G gt ALCHEMIST 200 Chemistry, 200 PharmaTech, Taint Wounds. Chemical Blindness. Poison Sprinkle. Seal Wounds Funny line, this. While not adding too much to skills (although some people find the bonuses here very useful), the two DOTs from this line (Taint Wounds and Poison Sprinkle) become better with two perks that we use, Reap Life and Bloodletting respectively. Also, Chemical Blindness can be a powerful blind if done at an opportune time (even though we do have blind rings.) Not a bad line if you need to dump spare perks somewhere, especially endgame. G gt SHOTGUN MASTERY 200 Shotgun, 80 to all damage modifiers, Leg Shot. Easy Shot There8217s really not much to say about this line. Max this line, if not for the shotgun modifier, then the 80 to all damage types. G gt POWER UP 59 Ranged Energy, 14 to all damage modifiers, Energize. Power Volley. Power Shock Even if we can only spend 5 points in this line and the damaging perk actions only really work with Ranged Energy skill, this perkline is great for the damage it gives and the Energize perk action that gives even more damage. GNL gt GENIUS 40 Intelligence, 40 Psychic, Regain Nano At Genius 2, this line gives an incredibly good nanopoint heal (200x6) - terrific perk to try out before you get the ball rolling with Accumulator. The IntelPsy mods arent bad either. Do wait until you can get 2 points in this line Genius 1 isnt all that worth it alone. GNL gt CHAMPION OF LIGHT ARTILLERY 100 Shotgun, 100 Pistol, 100 SMG, 100 Bow, Collapser. Implode ( AI ) Really cool line buffs our three main weaponskills (well, Pistol and SMG aren8217t our 8220main8221 ones, but some Traders use them as mentioned), and gives us a couple decent perk actions. GNL gt CHAMPION OF NANO COMBAT 100 to all nanoskills, Nano Feast. Bot Confinement ( AI ) You need those drains to land You want them casted earlier Well, this line is your answer. Simple line with great effects. There are other perk lines out there, for abilities, HP, tradeskills and the matter, but they8217re more situational and I8217ll let you use those to your whim. Whew, finally finished May I take this time to thank Didymus for providing both a superb guide for beginning traders in the Shadowlands era to follow religiously and for inspiration for this new guide Core for both putting up with me ( ) and helping my trader grow and become my first TL7 character in five years dozens of other people for giving me advice and answers to any question I8217ve asked over the years and you, dear reader, for rolling 8211 once again 8211 the most awesome profession in the game P. S. Glad you like it Tiimmy Last edited by Saetos Jul 30th, 2011 at 02:47:04. RYUAHN 22021 Opifex Trader Proud Member of Core ALASTROPHE 22015 Solitus Martial-Artist I wonder why you didnt mentioned the alien armors. Combined scout and combined sharpshooter are among the best choices, especially for pvp but also for pvm or even tradeskills. حسنا. Im not about to suggest to a new Trader to go find a set of armor worth a billion credits, as it is a Trader guide aimed at newer traders I actually hinted at it too, when I said at TL6 you might know what youll be up to armorwise. Alchemist after looking it over again seems quite cool now (noticed the DOTs work well with our perks), so I guess Ill add it Sawbones: Your suggestion about SotDK also kinda reminded me of Uncle Bazzit Diplomatics Ill see what I can do Last edited by Saetos Sep 4th, 2008 at 13:26:04. RYUAHN 22021 Opifex Trader Proud Member of Core ALASTROPHE 22015 Solitus Martial-Artist There is literally nothing wrong with in its current incarnation. What should be being looked at is the reason why its needed so much. E. g, the incredible amount of Alpha being thrown around and the fickleness of Evade profs. I walk in to BS. could not perk people. with 3704 AR and 300 AAD drain. NT facerolled me, shade instagibbed me, after a few minutes I just decided not gonna bother. Froob Trader Guide by HahnsooFerrell NOTE: This is a work in progress. The Profession at a Glance The Trader is a profession that is unique to Anarchy Online, in terms of archetypes. While we are a nano-casting class, we depend on a weapon for our main damage (typically, a shotgun). We are universally feared in PvP, but virtually ignored in PvM. We have a large and versatile nanoprogram toolset, but most of what we do is performed better by others. Finally, we are also one of the best tradeskilling professions, rivaled only by the Engineer. The main essence of the Trader is the concept of exchange. As a trader you take from others and give to yourself, and vice versa. Instead of commodities and credits, though, in combat you will exchange nano-points, health, nano skills, weapon skills, etc. This guide will focus ONLY on the Froob Trader. Expansions radically change your playstyle as well as your relative power compared to other professions. A good guide for SLoobs can be found at the official forums here: forums. anarchy-onlineshowth. pt168020 There is nothing in this guide that has not been repeated many times on other places. This is simply my rehash of the same old information. I owe a debt of knowledge and gratitude to all of those guides and databases out there which has helped me play my trader the way I want. By no means is this guide the last word in how to play a Trader it is simply a rough guide of my experience with traders. I hope this guide allows you to play the trader that you want. Why Should I Play a Trader If any of these apply, the trader profession might be a good choice: quotI like PvP, and I like dominating one-on-one combat at low levels. quot quotI enjoy crowd control, and would like a profession with both roots and calms. quot quotI enjoy tradeskilling. quot quotI enjoy making more money from the special shop terminals and computer literacy buffs. quot quotI enjoy being able to do a little bit of everything, from healing to support to solo to team play to tradeskilling. quot quotI like Shotguns. I also like equipping ridiculously high QL weapons. quot Why Shouldnt I Play a Trader If any of these apply, the trader profession may not be for you: quotI like dealing lots of damage and gaining aggro quickly. quot quotI like being able to sit back in combat, and watch my characterminions duke it out without having to interfere. quot quotI want a profession that is needed in all teams and will get picked up off of LFT quickly. quot quotI like peace and quiet. I do not want to have people bug me for buffs all the time. quot The Inevitable Trader Lightbulb Jokes quotHow many Traders does it take to change a lightbulbquot I can do it, but I need to drain first. One moment while I fetch a leet. There are no Traders. ever try to find one on list Traders dont change lightbulbs. However, once I hit level 25, I can sell you a special lightbulb that only I can get from the Trader Shop. For a fee, of course. Wrangles do NOT increase your Lightbulb Changing skill. شيش. There are hundreds of low QL Lightbulb-changing Traders, but once you get past level 50 or so, its impossible to find a Trader who can do it. Well, you need a special Pump Lightbulb to do it as a Trader, which costs around 30m credits. You can never get a group of traders to change a lightbulb, as theyll fight all day over who gets to drain the lightbulb. Meh. You dont want to pick up a trader to change the lightbulb. Pick up that Doc on LFT instead. Last edited by hahnsoo on Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:06 am, edited 2 times in total. quotFairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. quot G. K.Chesterton Years of experience means years of learning bad habits. Proud Member of Newcomers Alliance The Breeds This is the section in most profession guides where the quotbest breedquot argument tends to come into play. Personally, I say quotplay what you want to playquot but go into it with full knowledge of the benefits and penalties. Folks with expansions have other wrinkles to deal with, such as breed-specific perks, but they also worry less about breed caps (which relax after level 200). As a froob, you will have to consider both breed caps on your abilities as well as breed-specific items. Note that since breed really only affects your IP expenditure among your abilities, the main differences in your skills boil down to breed specific items and trickledown from abilities. As far as trickledown, this amounts to maybe a dozen points at endgame. Atrox Atroxes have bonuses to Stamina and Strength, as well as to their Health. This makes them a great choice for combat-heavy traders. While the Intelligence and Psychic penalties will affect some equipment (especially Barter Armor), the resulting penalty to nanoskills (from less trickledown) is largely overcome by your drains. It also helps that Shotgun is partially based on Stamina and Strength. The lack of Nano Pool hurts, as youll need a lot of Nano Points to fuel your combat nanos. Conventional wisdom holds the low level Atrox Trader in high regard, as a tower twink or low level PvPPvM twink. Atroxes also get access to certain breed-specific items, such as the Diamondine Kick Pistol (a nice BurstFling capable ShotgunPistol hybrid). Nanomage Nanomage may seem like a perfect fit for the Trader profession, as Traders are primarily a nano-casting class. The bonus to Nano points gives you a distinctive edge, and with Green Psychic and Intelligence, youll get into higher Barter Armor at an earlier level. However, expect to struggle at the brink of death at every combat, fighting tooth and nail to survive long enough to land your drains and calms. You dont lose this quotsquishynessquot until TL6. The Nanomage breed, due to some unique buffing items and high Psychic breedcap, is able to reach 780 Psychic and thus the 2 second Nano Delta. Once you achieve this, you will enjoy almost unlimited Nano Points to burn while chain-casting in combat. This is my main traders breed and with a 2 second Nano Delta, I can literally cast Preeminent Health Haggler on myself forever. Opifex Opifex, with their bonus to Agility, will probably end up with the best evades and Shotgun Attack Rating. They will have a much easier time implanting the various Agility-Based implants, while suffering in the Stamina and Strength department. Opifex have a few great options for breed-specific endgame equipment, such as the Flaxen Notum Pants. Solitus Solitus is the well-rounded breed, and thus does not have any advantages and disadvantages. Most of the folks that I talk to enjoy Solitus for cosmetic reasons (i. e. they dont want to look like the Hulk or a grey-skinned freak). Its hard NOT to recommend Solitus as a breed for any profession, because they simply arent bad at any profession, especially for a froob. Last edited by hahnsoo on Wed Jul 25, 2007 12:34 pm, edited 2 times in total. quotFairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. quot G. K.Chesterton Years of experience means years of learning bad habits. Proud Member of Newcomers Alliance There are two lines of AC Drains, and they stack, giving you the benefits of both. Siphon AC is easier to land, with only an 85 Nano Resist check. Draw AC has a 120 resist check. The top Siphon AC drain is actually called Pawnbrokers Armor. Since these nanos use Matter Creation, typically it is best to start using them when you have more IP to spend, after TL4. In my opinion, these take a back seat in priority behind your RansackDeprive drains. Often, you wont have time to use them in a team situation unless you are fighting a boss or running a 200 mission. As a solo PvM trader, you have all the time in the world, and can afford to quotprepquot with the AC drains, giving you both a defensive and offensive advantage. These nano lines take AC away from you and give it to a target or the whole team for three minutes. They are a great way to buff up your tank during a boss fight or intense combat, if the tank has enough NCU to hold it. One way to minimize the AC loss for yourself is to cast the Single Redeem AC line on yourself first, then cast it on the target. You can also use the AC Drains to increase your armor before using these to give it away to someone else. Again, since these nanos use Matter Creation, you should probably start using them at TL4 or higher. They are useful in a team situation, but generally not necessary. Traders get a handful of Calms. While we do not get nearly as many Calms as a Bureaucrat nor do we get any Area of Effect calms, we can reach our higher QL calms faster than Bureaucrats because of drains. Calms stop a target from attacking you and quotresetquot their hate list, so the target does not attack you again unless provoked. This makes the calms an excellent tool for aggro management, as well as a way to escape from harm. Note that calms are NOT broken when you cast non-damaging nano-programs at a calmed target. The target will still aggro you (preventing you from sitting down and using your kits), but they wont attack you. This is VERY useful in solo play. Being a single targeted nano, it is fairly easy to accidentally hit yourself with a calm, so make sure you have an enemy targeted before casting it Also, unless your drains are fully laddered or you have some nanoskill buffs from a friendly Metaphysicist, expect your calms to take 2 to 3 casts before they actually land. By and large, the Charm line is rather worthless. While it allows you to gain a quotpetquot like the Bureaucrat charm, it comes with a quotstunquot that prevents you from doing anything until your charm is done, the pet dies, or you break the charm with pet terminate. Its a fun nano to play with, but unless you are stealing an Engineers Slayerdroid in PvP, you probably should keep away from these nanos. Note that if you Charm a target that has been calmed, youll be in a world of hurt. Not only will the Charm not land, but youll still have the Charm quotparalyzequot uploaded, leaving you vulnerable for the duration of the nano. Nevertheless, there are certain situations where you may actually end up using a charm. Stealing pets in PvP is one of them. Another is in the Crypt of Home, where a Trader can charm a monster to root out a Cenobite Shadow, using pet hunt. One fun thing to do with Charms is to hit a charmable humanoid NPC, like the Bartenders in the shops. Since you can use all the pet social commands, you can make the Bartender dance (or whatever). Traders are the ONLY profession that have a line of Computer Literacy buffs. Not only does this allow you to buy and sell at terminals for better prices (the original intent of these nanos), but they also allow you to equip higher NCU and belts. Certain tradeskills also are based on Computer Literacy. Note that you only have to cast the Comp Lit buff before you open the terminal (thanks Worldtrader) the buff will give you better prices at the terminal throughout your session even when your buff runs out until you close the terminal. When you close the terminal and re-open it, though, be sure to recast your Comp Lit buff. This nano line is the ONLY one in the toolset that uses Matter Metamorphoses. While a damage bonus sounds nice (especially for the whole team), I do not believe it is worth putting IP into MM. You can reach most of the line by simply using Drains and possibly a Faded MM cluster in the Left Arm. The small Ranged Init bonus from Fine Tuning and Balanced Striker is nice, but almost negligable. I would skip this line, although its not as useless as the Charm line. Drains These nanoprograms are the staple of your arsenal, and the source of a traders power in both PvM and PvP combat. Essentially, they take nanoskills and weapon skills away from the target and give them to you. In PvP, actual skills are removed from the opponent and given to you. In PvM, you will receive bonus skills, but the monsters will only get an Add All Offense penalty, reducing their ability to hit and damage, but not actually affecting their base skill (Martial Artists still hit with the same Fist weapon) or nano skills (Doctors still use their top heals). It is fairly easy to hit yourself with a Drain on accident. If this happens, it is pretty much the kiss of death for your character for the next 3 minutes. Hopefully, your teammates can save you or you are able to escape unscathed. Sit down and use a Virus Scanner to remove the ill-effects. Deprive Divest line - This line has a 100 Nano Resist check, so they are no more or less difficult to land than most other nano programs. Ransack Plunder line - This line has a Nano Resist check of 190, making them more difficult to land than the DepriveDivest line. You will want as much Nano Skill as possible in PMTS to cast these, so start out with your highest DepriveDivest first. Nanite-Enhanced Drains - This line deserves a special mention. The nano resist checks for these are lower than the regular drains. The Divest has a 90 NR and the Plunder has a 150 NR. Furthermore, in PvP, the target will receive both a skill penalty AND an Add All Offense penalty. While they are usable by froobs, they can ONLY be purchased for 6000 Victory Points each by a subscriber with Lost Eden. This makes them rather difficult to obtain. Traders get a single Evade buff, and its a whopper. Quantum Uncertainty gives 110 to all of your Evades (just 10 points less than the best evade buff in the game, Reduce Inertia). However, it will also overwrite any Runspeed buff from a Fixer except Gridspace Freedom. These nanos allow you to teleport yourself or your whole team from whereever you are directly to the Grid. Useful if you are done with a team mission and do not have a fixer in the team to evac. They are slow to cast, but are well worth the effort. Note that Traders have several quotTeamquot meeps and one Self meep (Personal Grid Beacon) that takes longer to cast and has higher nano point cost than Walk the Grid. I cant think of any common situation where you wouldnt just leave the team if you wanted to Grid yourself (going on an ammosupply run perhaps. but then you can warp and just join your team again later). Skip out on Personal Grid Beacon, get Walk the Grid. You dont have to worry about the later ones until well into TL5 or so, when you have IP thrown around in all of your nanoskills. Health Hagglers These are your default single heals. They start out as very inefficient heals, with the lowest Health Haggler only gaining a net of 4 Health (20 damage to you, 24 points of healing). As they rise in QL, however, they become more efficient, with the top Preeminent Health Haggler gaining a net of 640 Health (229 damage to you, 869 points of Healing). With a faster recharge than Doctor Single Heals, the top Health Haggler can actually outheal Lifegiving Elixer when cast on another target. And because you are likely to be fully drained anyway during combat, you will probably be able to heal others quickly and efficiently with the high QL Health Hagglers. As a self heal, these nanos are passable, but you are probably better off using the Health Plunder line on your enemies when in solo PvM combat. Be warned that these quothealsquot do their damage first before they heal you. This means if your health is low enough when casting, you can effectively kill yourself trying to self heal On another note, if you look at Aunos Heal Table. youll see that the only two Froob heals that have a higher heal-per-second over Preeminent Health Haggler are Complete Healing and Invocation of the Phoenix. These are your team heals. They work differently than the Health Hagglers, however. Instead of damaging you immediately and giving the health to the team, the heal affects the entire team first and hits you with a Damage Over Time nano, for more total damage than the heal (typically) over the next 15 seconds. The great thing about these is their consistent healing range. The top froob Doctor team heal does 485-970 of healing for the team. Our top Premium Delayed Health Payment heals for an amazing 920-1,144 damage for the whole team Yes, this means that in a single burst, you can heal the team better than the doc. Ideally, you would already be slightly damaged when casting this nano, as you cannot quotoverhealquot yourself. If you are already at Max Health, then your net health will go down further than if you had lower health. I tend to use this line as an emergency heal of last resort when the whole party is hurting badly and the team healers are overwhelmed or low on nano. Health Plunders Sophisticated Health Plunder Sophisticated Health Freeloader Health Plunders damage the opponent, while giving health back to you. They have a moderate nano point cost, which makes it difficult to chain cast them like the Health Hagglers, but they are much more useful in the early levels, when the Health Hagglers do not give much net Health in return. The damage and healing from the Health Plunders plateaus off at the higher QLs, with the top two or three Health Plunders doing about the same amount of damagehealing. Note that the top Health Plunder is actually a quest reward from the new 17.7 line of quests at the Bronto Burger in quotHoles in the Wallquot, just outside of Borealis. You need to be level 120 to complete the whole line. Talk to Corporal Ashley for details. This Health Plunder does almost 1000 damage and a similar amount of healing. get this nano as soon as possible It will greatly increase your survivability at TL4 and higher. You can also cast the Health Plunders on YOURSELF for a bit of healing. However, given the general effectiveness of the Health Haggler line, this is not recommended. Lend Nano Lend Nano line These nanos give a higher Nano Pool to someone else for a short period of time. In combat, this may not amount to much, but this buff is sought-after by low level Engineers, Bureaucrats, and Fixers who often cast expensive nano programs that cost way beyond their current Nano Pool. For a small amount of credits, these nano programs will suck away nano points from the opponent and give them to you. It is similar to a very short term Humidity Extractor. You receive a bit more nano than it takes to cast these drains, and they work better in combination with Nano Cost reducing items. One of your staple weapons in PvP and great to use in PvM, as well. They have a much lower resist check than Calms, and so you may have an easier time rooting your target then running away rather than trying to calm your target. The only Dyna-only nano line for a Trader. These nanos remove duration from Roots, and come in Self-Only and targeted versions. However, Passage for One is shop-buyable, and probably the only one that you really need from the ENTIRE line. The higher ones are nice to have, but not necessary, as a few castings of Passage for One should cover all your root removal needs. Traders have a line of strong Tradeskill buffs that are castable on others. They buff the first 5 Tradeskills: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Field Quantum Physics, Weaponsmithing, and Pharmaceuticals. Skill Wranglers come in two flavors, Single and Team. The top Single Wrangle adds 131 to skills, while the top Team Wrangle adds 132 to skills. This is the nano program that we Traders are best known for. There are folks who dont know that we can calm or root or drain, but EVERYONE knows that we can wrangle. The basic concept of the Skill Wrangler is that it takes skill away from you and gives it to another person or your team for a short 3 minute interval of time. Skill Wranglers ONLY affect Primary Weapon Skills (no Specials or Multi-skills) and Nano Skills (but not the Aiding Skills). It does not affect any Tradeskills, Abilities, Treatment, or First Aid. Unfortunately, this fact isnt very well known among folks wanting to receive a wrangle. For those who need a list that spells it all out: Martial arts, 1h Blunt, 1h Edged, Melee energy, 2h Edged, Piercing, 2h Blunt, Sharp objects, Grenade, Heavy weapons, Bow, Pistol, Rifle, Smg, Shotgun, Assault rifle, Ranged energy, Matter metamorphosis, Biological metamorphosis, Psychological modifications, Matter creation, Time and space, Sensory improvement Note that you can cast a Skill Wrangler on yourself, and lose a few net nano skill points, but this will allow you to chain-cast the exact same Wrangle as long as you have the Skill Wrangler bonus running on yourself. Last edited by hahnsoo on Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:50 pm, edited 13 times in total. quotFairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. quot G. K.Chesterton Years of experience means years of learning bad habits. Proud Member of Newcomers Alliance I would like to preface this section in saying that there are very few quotabsolutely rightquot and quotabsolutely wrongquot ways to allocate your IP. While there are several skills that I would highly recommend NOT investing in (Swimming, for example, is relatively worthless), your IP distribution should depend on your personal goals for your character. If you are a tradeskiller, bank a set amount of points for Tradeskills. If you are a combat-heavy character, bank most of your points in combat-related skills. Banked IP that is unspent is, by and large, wasted IP. But IP placed in skills that you use rarely or above what you essentially need is also wasted IP (for example, pumping up Vehicle Air above the requirement of your Yalmaha, or raising Vehicle Air when you dont have a Yalmaha). Also, remember that IP frees up after level 100Title Level 4. By the time you reach Title Level 6, you should have way more IP than places to spend it. When you start out, the stretch of Title Level 3 (up to when you reach title caps at around level 85) will be the most difficult and leanest period of your characters career, regardless of profession. Make frugal choices during this time, allocate your IP sparingly to achieve specific goals, and make some estimates on some of the more nebulous skills (i. e. Evades). Also, remember that you can always shore up some of your shortcomings with implants. Abilities You will eventually max out all of these, so no points in your Abilities are wasted. This is a good thing, too, because barring a quotReset All Skillsquot, you cannot use IPR on them. Since IP is much tighter at lower levels (levels 1 to 100), I would suggest that you put an emphasis on Agility and Intelligence when you first start out. Prioritizing the other abilities depends on what you want to accomplish. If you are Nano Mage or plan on extensively using Barter Armor, you will want to max out Intelligence and Psychic early on. If you are Atrox or plan on using CAS Symbiotic or Tank Armor, you will want to max out Strength and Stamina early on. I recommend that you keep Agility and Intelligence maxed out throughout your career. Stamina and Psychic should be kept at least high enough to max out your Body Dev and Nano Pool without showing quotBase Abilities are too lowquot, and you may want to max out Psychic to use Barter Armor. Strength needs to be between 25-50 early on for your Shotgun skill. Sense isnt nearly as important for traders unless you are focusing on speed and evades and can probably be kept at 25-50. I recommend not spending more than 25 of your total IP per level on Abilities until you reach TL 4. When spending more than this, you will compromise the IP that you have available for your Nano Skills and Combat skills. Body Dont spend any points on Adventuring or Swimming. Brawling and Martial Arts are only useful if you pursue that particular path instead of weapons. Body Dev directly translates into Health and should be kept high, maxed if possible. Nano Pool directly translates into your nano points and should also be kept high, although you will only need enough nano to pull yourself through a few drains and maybe a calm in combat. You will want to max out both Body Dev and Nano Pool eventually, especially when you reach the higher QL Drains (which eat up a large chunk of your nano points). Speed You will want as much Nano C Init and Ranged Init (if you use Shotguns) as you can muster. Once you get a Nano Formula Recompiler in deck slot 6, you can start to slack off on Nano C Init. However, I wouldnt stop raising it until you can instant cast all of your drains. Evades are a difficult thing to gauge. Early on, you wont have enough IP to max these. I would recommend only investing in Dodge Ranged and Evade Close Combat, and placing either 1-2 points per level in each or try to place 2 times the level of the creatures that you typically face in combat. If you are creating a PvP twink, you will want to MAX your Evades and Nano Resist. Runspeed is a subjective thing. On the one hand, it is difficult to play when you are quotfeeling slowquot, but there are plenty of outside buffs for Runspeed. My traders have always been quotslowpokesquot, I fear, mostly to conserve IP. You will have to judge how much Runspeed that you are comfortable with. Tradeskills In Anarchy Online, IP tends to be tight from levels 1 to 100 (TL 1-3). Thus, it is hard to recommend blowing IP on Tradeskills at those early stages. Luckily, Traders get some fairly nice buffs to a lot of tradeskills, which will allow you to tinker a bit at low levels. Still, even if you are a primary tradeskiller, I would budget no more than 25 of your IP allowance per level on tradeskills. When I leveled my tradeskiller, I tended to place more points in Chemistry and Nano Programming, because traders lack buffs for those skills. I did not start raising Psychology until TL5. I placed enough points in Tutoring so that I can use my tradeskilling buffing items, and then stopped raising it. Computer Literacy is necessary throughout your career. While you have some pretty massive self buffs for this skill, you will need a high amount to access the various portals of the Grid. You can try getting to your location in less than a minute, but I would recommend raising Computer Literacy enough so that you can at least visit the places you need to go. To be honest, I always max Computer Literacy on all my characters except the level locked twinks. Nano and Aiding The most important skill in this tab is Treatment. Max it out The two next most important skills in this tab are PsyMod and TimeampSpace. These are the basis for the vast majority of your nanos, including Drains and Wrangles. They should always be maxed out and kept in pace of each other. When implanting, you can easily implant TimeampSpace in Eye and Right Hand and PsyMod in Ear and Eye. TimeampSpace conflicts with Shotgun in the Right Hand, I believe, so you may want to implant Shotgun in the Right Hand and have your Shiny Head slot as TimeampSpace. The next most important skill is SenImp. This is needed for Calms and Buffs. SenImp directly conflicts with PsyMod in implants, sadly, so youll probably only be able to implant SenImp in the Faded Chest slot. Following that, if you can, raise some BioMet. You will get plenty of BioMet off of your Drains for your heals and health plunders, but still, it is useful to raise. The best targeted heals and plunders do not come until much later, and you want to get to those as soon as possible. BioMet has conflicts with Shotgun and other Nano skills, but is easily implanted in the Bright Chest slot. Matter Creations should probably NOT be increased until you reach level 100 or so. The AC drainstransfers do not matter much. I would raise it a bit so that you can use Walk the Grid. Matter Metamorphoses, in my opinion, should NEVER be raised on any Trader. The damage buffing nanos are not worth the waste of IP. I also dont tend to raise First Aid on most of my characters. Some folks rely more on Stims for in-combat healing. I personally just pop a Battle-Prepared Nano Kit when I need nanopoints in combat. Other Skills If you run a lot of missions, you will want around 2 times the QL of the missions that you run in Breaking and Entry (BE). If you are calm-blitzing missions, you will definitely want to get into all of those locked chests. As a tradeskiller, you will also need a fair amount of BE for many tradeskill tasks. Otherwise, if you are just generally leveling in the dungeons or in a team situation, you can probably comfortably ignore BE until you can spare the IP at TL4. I generally do not raise Map Nav on my characters until TL5 (when I want to upload all the maps and the Sided map upgrade). Map Nav is important for PvP, as not having a map means you are running blind. If you can live without the map upgrades for a while, you can triple implant Map Nav at around level 50 and get all of the maps up to The Longest Road and all of the map upgrades except for Sided. Still, it does not hurt to invest some IP into Map Nav if you need the upgrades earlier. Last edited by hahnsoo on Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:43 am, edited 7 times in total. quotFairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. quot G. K.Chesterton Years of experience means years of learning bad habits. Proud Member of Newcomers Alliance Laddering RansackDivest Drains This is what I consider to be the bread-and-butter technique for playing any trader. The reasoning is rather simple. You have two drain lines, the RansackPlunder line and the DepriveDivest line. Both of these lines can be used at the same time to provide almost double the bonus. The way laddering works is: 1) Cast the highest DepriveDivest that you can. Note the bonus to your nano-skills. 2) Figure out the highest RansackPlunder that you can cast, and then cast that drain. Repeat as necessary until it lands (Plunders are notorious for not landing, due to the high Nano Resist check). Note the bonus to your nano-skills. 3) Figure out the highest DepriveDivest that you can cast NOW, and then cast that drain. Your nano-skills and weapon skills should be even higher. 4) Figure out the highest RansackPlunder that you can cast, and then cast that drain. 5) Keep repeating these two steps until you reach the upper limit of your skill (you run out of drains to cast). Once your drains are laddered, you can continue to cast your highest drains on each enemy that you run into. While the duration of the drains are limited, you should be able to continue to redrain for the duration of the missionencounter. If you are lazy, like me, you can use this program to figure out the most efficient draining order to get to your top drains: aofroobsforumviewtopic. phpt2294 Laddering Nano-point drains Most traders do not realize that you can stack the nano-point drain line. You simply cast the lowest nanopoint drain in your arsenal, then work your way up. After several castings and a handful of credits later, you will enjoy a few moments of virtually unlimited nano flow. When the final nano-point drain expires, simply start the chain again. In practice, this is a rather annoying waste of time, especially if you are not able to instant cast the nano-point drains. I typically start with my 3rd highest, and cast the 2nd highest and highest nano-point drain in succession, and only after my RansackDeprive and AC drains have been cast. Calming Calming is one of your most useful PvM tools. You can use Calms to blitz missions by calming the enemies that you encounter. This leaves you free to explore the mission and to open all the chests. You can also use Calms before a combat, and use the calmed enemy as a drain pet or pre-drain the enemy before starting combat. Also, there are many situations where two enemies are side by side. You can calm one and take out the other. Or calm both. I also use Calms in the middle of combat to take on opponents much tougher than I am. Basically, you can use the Calm as a respite, sitting and recharging your health and nano. Be warned, though, that most enemies will heal when they are not actively aggroing you. If you are having trouble calming an enemy, you can attempt to root them instead and run off, stim yourself, then creep back into nano range again and calm them from a distance. This works well on resistant melee enemies like Martial Artists. In a team situation, your calms WILL break from a teammate attacking the calmed enemy (Murphys Law AO corollary: If there is a competent calmer in the team, there will also be an equally incompetent team member who will attack calmed mobs). In this case, you simply re-calm the enemy and hope that your teammate buys a clue. Be on the lookout for adds (additional enemies) in team situations, because your calms can spell the difference between an intact party and a total party kill. Calms also take the teeth out of the pet professions that you will face as enemies in team missions (Bureaucrats, Engineers, and Metaphysicists), because you can simply calm the pet. Instantly, the pet-dependent enemy is gimped. Drain-pets Typically, you will want to enter combat with all of your best drains running. In solo missions, you have the luxury of calming, then draining your opponent. In PvP, you do not have such concessions. One way to get around this is to calm a nearby enemy (preferably low level), and use them as a quotdrain petquot. You drain from this enemy, then enter into combat fully buffed to the gills. If it is calmed nearby, you can return to this quotpetquot if you happen to lose your drains somehow. In non-combat situations, you will want to use your drains to heighten your nanoskills as well, whether you are casting a wrangle on someone or tradeskill buffing yourself. At high levels, I tend to use the OT Bartender in the general stores. At lower levels, you probably will want to head to the backyards and drain a leet there. One useful quottrickquot in team missions is to drain the pets (robots or meatballs) or adds spawned by the various pet professions. The pets typically have a MUCH lower Nano Resist than the creator, and thus are easy to drain if you are a looking for an easy way to ladder up to your higher drains. Self-Wrangling (or how to keep chucking a 131 Wrangle for 3 minutes) This one is simple. If you exceed the requirement for casting a non-team skill wrangle by around 10-11 points, cast the wrangle on yourself first. This will give you both the bonus and the penalty for the wrangle at the same time, which will give you a small net loss of nanoskills in exchange for being able to constantly cast that particular wrangle for the next 3 minutes or so. Useful if you intend to do a lot of wrangles in a row. Also useful in the middle of a mission, if someone in the team needs a wrangle, and you do not want to totally sabotage your effectiveness in combat. Instant-Casting Your Drains You will definitely want to be able to instant-cast your drains as soon as possible. The reason is two-fold: Instant-casting means that you can chain your drains faster, and an instant-cast nano-program cannot be interrupted. Unfortunately, Your DepriveRansack drains are one of the very few nano-lines that has an INCREASING attack time as you go up in QL. At the high end, you are looking at around 4.5 seconds of Attack Time to compensate for. At full aggressive on AggDef, you will need around 700 Nano Init to instantly cast all of the drains. Fortunately, you have cheap Nano C Init. Also, with your Comp Lit buffs, you should be able to get on a 6-slot belt and a high QL Nano Formula Recompiler early in your career. Root and Shoot This classic combination is a good way of taking out melee enemies. Cast a root on a melee enemy and fire away. When the root breaks, re-root them and run to maximum distance, then fire away again. Wash, rinse, repeat. As long as you have a long corridor or an open area to do this without adds, you can safely kill a melee enemy while taking very little damage. If you have problems (a random critical hit, for example), simply calm the enemy, sit and heal, then start over again. You can also root, then drain the melee enemy, too. This technique does not work well against ranged enemies or enemies that have mixed rangedmelee attacks (i. e. Borgs). Instead of wasting time running to you, the enemy will simply stand and shoot, possibly killing you while you are running. Putting It All Together or quotJust tell me how to play a trader alreadyquot When I enter an encounter as a solo trader, I tend to try to calm the first enemy that I see. After calming, I would ladder up my drains, followed by casting my top AC drains, then calm the target again and sit and heal my nano (I no longer have to worry about nano points at TL6, but this is what I did at lower TLs). Then Id start attacking the pre-drained gimped enemy, using Health Plunders during the encounter to keep myself healed. If I find that the enemy is too powerful, I will either try to calm the enemy or root it and run away. In a team situation, the enemy probably will already be targeted and under attack. I will take a few moments to look for adds, then start draining the opponent. I will also glance at the team health and make sure the healers in the team dont need supplemental healing. Drains have a LONG recharge time, so I want to make sure that my other programs arent needed when I drain. At boss encounters, Id take the time to fully drain the boss and AC drain the boss. Id also try to calm the adds so that the team can focus on the boss (who typically cannot be calmed). Last edited by hahnsoo on Wed Jul 25, 2007 12:38 pm, edited 12 times in total. quotFairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. quot G. K.Chesterton Years of experience means years of learning bad habits. Proud Member of Newcomers Alliance Shotguns are the vanilla default weapon choice for Traders. You are given a shotgun when you first talk to Brandon Thorn, and Shotgun is the most efficient weapon skill in terms of IP for a Trader, with a multiplier of 1.5. Terms Shop-buyable - This weapon can be purchased from a weapons shop terminal or from most weapon vendors. However, because the stock of all vendors and terminals are random, this does not necessarily mean youll find the right QL that you want or that the weapon is in stock. Rollable - This weapon can be received as a mission reward or a mission quotFind Itemquot. This is a better way to ensure that you can find the QL that you want (especially if you use Clicksaver or MishBuddy), but because Traders can use weapons way beyond their skill, you may have to hire a higher level character to get the weapon for you. Dyna loot - This weapon only drops (randomly) from Dyna Bosses. which are scattered across Rubi-Ka. Use CSP map or Atlas of Rubi-Ka to find the locations of the Dynas. The weapons drop in limited QLs, and correspond to the level of the Dyna. Note that Dyna loot weapons do NOT drop from Team Mission Bosses (which have a similar loot table, but lack these rare weapons). Also, you may have to kill hundreds, if not thousands, of Dynas before you find the weapon. Generic Shotguns These Shotguns ONLY require the Shotgun skill, making them ideal for traders of all kinds. Vektor ND QL 180 - I consider this gun to be the quotdefaultquot weapon by which all other Trader weapons are to be compared. It only uses Shotgun skill, has decent average damage and criticals. It is a bit slow, and can only be single-wielded. I would recommend this gun for a primary tradeskiller (less IP to spend on various specialsmulti ranged). Shop-buyable and rollable. S. A. Home Defender line QL 200 - Similar in profile to the Vektor ND, except that it deals projectile damage and more importantly can be dual-wielded. This compensates a bit for the slow speed. Note that there is a MASSIVE jump in Multi Ranged from QL 65 to QL 66. Shop-buyable and rollable. MTI G04U QL 150 line - Trader only. This shotgun is Dyna loot, and comes in QLs 140-150. It is basically a superior version of the S. A. Home Defender line. OT-Windchaser SM line QL 190 - This line has poor average damage, excellent crits, and excellent speed. Its a good shotgun if you have a crit-based setup or early on when you dont have much Ranged Init. Shop-buyable and rollable. Turn Spirit Shotguns Shotgun of Noticable Presence QL 200 - Omni only Shotgun of Security QL 200 - Clan only Trader only. Turn Spirit weapons are crafted from SL parts, but are NoDrop and Froob usable. Comes in various QLs. The higher QLs are probably the absolute best shotguns you can get as a froob. The Shotgun of Noticable Presence is crafted from an Inamorata Shotgun and a Turn Spirit of Beauty. The Shotgun of Security is crafted from a Sacrosanct Shotgun and a Turn Spirit of Lama the Steadfast. Fling Shot Shotguns These shotguns use the special Fling Shot, and thus will require an investment in IP and implants for them. Fling Shot is buffable by using Fling Shot Expertise (20) and the Soldier buff Offensive Steamroller (30). Medium Shotgun QL 200 - A mediocre gun, with mediocre stats. Its like having a less powerful Vektor ND. Nevertheless, it is widely available and better than nothing. Shop-buyable and rollable. Uncle Bazzit Diplomatic QL 200 - Trader only. Drops from various trader mobs in missions. It has an excellent damage and speed ratio, and is dual wieldable. Krutt Assault 219 line QL 184 - The classic quotcrit-basedquot shotgun. Lousy regular damage, but incredible critical hits. Shop-buyable and rollable. Maw of the Abyss QL 1 - Drops in Inner Sanctum from 2nd floor bosses. This is widely considered by many to be your endgame shotgun for any profession that uses a shotgun, and indeed, its hard to argue otherwise. Sided traders do get access to Turn Spirit weapons, but for a Neutral Trader, this is the end of the line. Burst Shotguns Burst is buffable by Burst Expertise (20), the Fixer buff Minor Suppressor (7), and the Soldier buff Riot Control (110). OT MPS-0X Police Shotgun line QL 190 - Similar in profile to the Medium Shotgun, except this shotty has Burst. If you MUST have a shotgun with a powerful special, this would be your gun. Shop buyable and rollable. PvP Shotguns These shotguns are some of the ideal froob choices for PvP. Pump MasterTrainee QL 50 - Low level PvP shotgun. It has Fling Shot and is Trader only. Drops only from dyna bosses. Possibly one of the most sought-after weapons in the game, with prices ranging from 15m to 30m on RK1. Eye Wind Onehander QL 188 - The quintessential off-hand shotgun, it probably isnt worth using until you can equip a QL 188 (top of the line). It has Fling Shot, Burst, and Aimed Shot. You will definitely need a high QL scope and a good crit setup with this weapon. Rollable. Ithaca Ki-8 line QL 199 - Fling Shot, Aimed Shot. An old PvP favorite, due to having Aimed Shot. Also needs a high QL scope and a good crit setup to work quotproperlyquot. For some reason, this line stops at QL 199. Shop-buyable and rollable. Shotgun Buffing Shotguns - The O. E.T. Co. Chic Urban Sniper QL 38 buffs Shotgun by 14, useful for twinking on a higher Shotgun. The OT M50 line QL 200 also buffs Shotgun, with breakpoints at QL 70 (15), QL 90 (20), QL 150 (25), and QL 200 (30). These weapons are useful as a quothotswapquot weapon to get a higher Shotgun on, if you still need more points of Shotgun beyond Drains and a Wrangle. Agility Buffing Shotgun - The O. E.T. Co. Urban Sniper Kaiser QL 188 ONLY exists in QL 188 and buffs Agility by 30. It is also dual-wieldable. Intelligence Buffing Shotguns - The Krutt Assault line adds to Intelligence, with breakpoints at QL 84 (12), QL 158 (18 ), and QL 184 (24). The OT MPS-07 Police Shotgun at QL 190 also adds Intelligence (15). Stamina Buffing Shotguns - The Krutt Assault line adds to Stamina, with breakpoints at QL 84 (12), QL 158 (18 ), and QL 184 (24). Psychic Buffing Shotguns - The Vektor ND line adds to Psychic, with breakpoints at QL 70 (15) and QL 180 (25) Alternative Weapons As far as ranged weapons, Traders can also do well with Pistols (multiplier of 2). For the Tradeskiller trader or the Buff-bunny wrangler, this may be the weapon of choice, due to the many buffing pistols out there. Tradeskillers will especially appreciate the Master Engineer Pistol. Multi-Ranged, Burst, and Full-Auto can be prohibitive, however, so probably the best option in terms of pistols for a Trader would be either the Original Electronicum (no Specials) or the SOL K-91 Monster (low Multi-Ranged). Note that the Bright and Faded clusters for Pistol conflict with MCTS, which may be an issue when making implants. For my pistol recommendations, check out this thread. For the Trader on a budget, Martial Arts is not a bad choice. It has an IP multiplier of 2, along with Brawling (also a 2). Your damage will scale as you level up, albeit much slower in scaling than a Martial Artist. Martial Arts has no cluster conflicts with Nanoskills in Implants, unlike Shotgun and Pistol. And of course, with no Maximum Beneficial Skill, MA will continue to scale upward as you drain. Sharp Object is interesting, in that there are no viable weapons for froobs that can be equipped for this skill. However, when Traders drain, they raise all of their weapon skills, and you will probably have enough Sharp Object skill to use Kizzermole Gumboils (drops from Kizzermoles in the Crypt of Home), which provides nice supplemental damage at pretty much no cost (other than harvesting the Kizzers). Situational weapon choices Melee weapons are prohibitive in IP for Traders. 1-Handed Blunt is probably the most quotefficientquot in terms of primary weapon skills, with a skill multiplier of 1.8. However, Multi-Melee is a 3.2 and is generally too expensive to effectively use 1 handed weapons, at least when paired. 2-Handed Edged weapons may be a viable choice, especially for a low level Trader tower twink. While Fast Attack is on the expensive side (and not outside buffable), drains will allow you to easily equip a Frost Scythe of the Legionnaire or Stygian Desolator. The main bottleneck in using melee weapons is the high cost of Melee Init (again, making 1HB a more viable choice, since the good 1HB weapons also tend to be fast). Rifle is also a mediocre choice for Traders, mainly used for PvP. Since the Ithaca shotgun also has Aimed Shot, and the best Rifles for PvP are profession-locked (aside from the Zastaba Velocity), it is rather redundant. However, there are quite a few outside buffs available for Rifle and Aimed Shot, so you may be able to equip an extremely high Rifle at an early level. Id still rather stick with a Shotgun, myself. For a different perspective, check out this post: aofroobsforumviewtopic. 307853078 Poor weapon choices Assault Rifles are a poor choice for Traders. Bow is also a poor choice for Traders. Both of these weapons have a multiplier of 4, and the support skills for them are very expensive for Traders. SMG is a mediocre choice for Traders. The multiplier isnt bad, and with generally only one special (Burst), it is relatively cheap on the IP. However, the best SMG for froobs, the Blackbird, is locked to Soldiers and Fixers only. Heavy Weapons and Grenade lack any viable weapons for Traders, and probably should be avoided. Sadly, the Misc Weapons tab is mostly neglected by FunCom. Last edited by hahnsoo on Sun Jul 29, 2007 2:19 pm, edited 12 times in total. quotFairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. quot G. K.Chesterton Years of experience means years of learning bad habits. Proud Member of Newcomers Alliance The Wrangler So far, wrangling has not earned me anything, except a load of trouble, and 23rds of my customers who arent even grateful. Do tell me that its not like this all the time, please. - GDB2222 Its like this all the time. - Hahnsoo One of the fun things about being a Trader is that there are activities for you outside of combat in the missions and dungeons. One of these activities is wrangling folks. Whether it is to equip a big weapon or cast a big robot, folks are always looking for traders to help them out. As a Wrangler, I would keep two numbers handy: The highest wrangle that you can cast self-buffed without drains, and the highest wrangle that you can cast fully drained. Those are the two main wrangles that you are going to be casting on a consistent basis. I would also seek out and upload as many of the wrangles as you can cast. The more variety you have in your repertoire, the more likely you can tailor your wrangle to the needs of your customer. I also tend to keep a full load of expertises for various weapon skills and specials, in case the customer needs a little extra boost. Since you are probably going to need to drain for most of your higher wrangles, you should probably pick a meeting spot that facilitates draining. Typically, one of the backyards fits the bill nicely, especially those near a Grid point. For example, in Omni territory, the Omni Trade Grid (tg) is a popular location, and next to Trade Grid is a Highrise with a Holoworld that folks use for draining. When you get high enough level, you can even use the Bartenders in the general stores as a drain pet. It is generally understood that Traders need to drain to cast a wrangle, but I would inform your customers politely if you need to drain for the wrangle they desire. I would also ask politely if they have the requisite amount of NCU free. As far as payment, there are several different ways the customer can respond: 1) The customer will pay up front, and wait patiently for the wrangle while you drain. This rarely happens. 2) The customer will wait for the wrangle, and tip you after receiving it. This is how most transactions go, with tips being random amounts from 1 credit to 2 million or more. Ive been tipped 10 million for a wrangle before. Generally, though, when people say they are quottippingquot, they mean 100k, and quottipping wellquot means 200-500k. 3) The customer will wait for the wrangle, but then find out that for whatever reason, he cannot cast his bot or equip his weapon. I generally try to do my best to help resolve the problem. If we cannot find a solution, I dont insist on payment, and tell them that they can come back to me when they are ready. 4) The customer will wait for the wrangle, then run off after the wrangle is done without paying. I generally send a couple of tells before I put the customer on my personal blacklist, as well as keep a watch on the customers organizationclan. 5) The quotcustomerquot will flatly insult you after the wrangle, then run off. Onto the personal Blacklist you go, along with your whole org. Nowadays, I dont have much time to wrangle random folks on the shopping channels. I log in to play and to help my org, not to service the masses. However, when I do go for wrangles, I typically go for the folks who say how much they are tipping up front, as well as well-spoken folks on chat or folks that I personally know or teamed with. Wrangling as a favor is a great way to build upon an existing in-game relationship, and I always like to help my in-game friends. When people ask me at random for a wrangle, I let them know how much I charge up front. I set my prices and keep them consistent (1m for a wrangle that I have to drain to cast, 500k for a wrangle that I dont have to drain to cast. it used to be 500200, but on that pricing scheme, I get swamped and overwhelmed with wrangle requests). Some of you folks may not believe in charging for buffs, and I respect that. Charging for buffs used to be one way I could earn cash, but now it is a way for me to politely prevent people from cutting into my play time. Just one button press isnt much. but it quickly becomes WAY more than that on busy days. Sometimes folks use the list command to see if there are any Traders in the area. This is all well and good, unless you dont want to advertise your presence to the immediate surroundings. If you want to avoid the list, then type anon. This is also useful in team PvP, as it prevents people from scouting your profession and level before you arrive. Another way to quotcamouflagequot yourself is to use a Playful Cub graft or Leet form (Veterans or Adventurer buff). most people just assume you are an Advy and dont look at your info. Sometimes, you are asked to wrangle in the middle of a raid or during a mission. Whenever this turns up, I typically use the Single Target wrangles. I self-wrangle first, then cast the wrangle on my target, so that I dont lose much combat effectiveness for the next 3 minutes. Occasionally, you will run into combats in which the whole team is missing their attacks a lot, due to the targets evades. In this situation, I hit the Team Wrangle. it is better for the rest of the team to hit the target more often than it is for just you to hit with your augmented attack rating. The Tradeskiller While froob Engineers get access to a lot more quottoysquot for tradeskilling, froob Traders get access to a variety of powerful Tradeskill buffs, which can be cast on others. SL Engineers also get a similar line of Tradeskill buffs, but this is a bit moot if you are reading this guide. Your weak point as a Tradeskiller is will be your lack of buffs for Chemistry and Nano Programming. The 1k token board (or Experimental Cyborg Board) gives a massive Nano Programming bonus, so NP becomes less of an issue. But Chemistry is used in a variety of common and popular Tradeskilling processes, including Carbonum Armor. You may have to rely on an Engineer friend to cast Philosophers Stone on you from time to time. I generally keep a set of Tradeskilling Temporary Implants in my bank handy that I can swap in and out of my Head, Ear, Eye, and Right Hand slot with minimal buffing. You never know when those extra points will help out. I also keep a quotToolbagquot in my inventory at all times with the following equipment: HSR Sketch and Etch, Mass Relocating Robots, Bio-Comminutor, Lock Pick, Hacker Tool, Nano Programming Interface, Screwdriver, Jensen Gem Cutter, Wire Drawing Machine, Field Quantum Physics All-Purpose Tool, Precious Metal Reclaimer, Implant Disassembly Clinic, and KyrOzch Structural Analyzer (yes, Im a Froob. This was a gift given to me by an orgmate a LONG time ago, and Ive since been IDing clumps of Bio-Material). I keep ANOTHER bag full of Tradeskilling buffing items in my inventory at all times. Sometimes I need just a few more points, and so I open this bag when I need them. This bag includes: Tutoring Devices, All-Match Augmented Bow Tie, Handy Steelribbed Gloves, Mister Luciens Specs, Mister Hadrulfs Specs, Lollygaggers Monocle, Pick-a-Finger, Dirty Bioplast Overall, Thick Leather Wristbands, and various quotother stuffquot. Psychology is necessary for a handful of processes (including Tier Glyph combines), but Bureaucrats do it better. Because it is needed for so few processes, I would not raise this until TL5. Leave it on the back burner, and come back to it when you have IP. At TL 6 with maxed Psychology, I need to use temp QL 200 buffing implants and various equipment to do Tier 2 Armor combines and Bright Jobe Clusters, and Shiny Jobe Clusters are currently out of my reach. Tutoring is pretty much only useful for the items that can be equipped with it, including the Focus Funnelers, Dirty Bioplast Overall, and Red Bioplast Helmet. Luckily, it is fairly easy to implant. While Breaking and Entry is in the Spying skills tab, it is essential for many Tradeskill processes. Thus, a dedicated tradeskiller probably should have a generous amount of points in BE. It also is quite useful for opening mission chests and doors. The PvPer Drains are particularly deadly in PvP, in that they reduce both Nano Skills and combat skills directly. This will prevent most casters from casting their top nanos and will cause most weapons to go OE while reducing the opponents chance to hit. Roots are your friend. Roots will get you out of combat if you need to evac, and nail down those pesky melee opponents leaving them open to being drained and blasted by your weapon. Be sure that you invest in a couple of Root grafts. Although you can cast Roots yourself (and this should be the staple of your ranged tactics), the Root grafts are unique in that they cannot be resisted by Nano Resist (innate resistance can stop Root grafts, however, such as the protection given by grid armor). Invest in some Kizzermole Gumboils. The added damage is significant, and you can easily toss them after draining up (which boosts Sharp Object). If you can, try to enter combat polymorphed (a Hacked Boosted Graft: Playful Cub comes in handy). While it only takes a second to inspect your character and thus find out your level and profession, there are many visual cues that an opponent can use to determine the weapon you are using, the armor you are using, etc. Polymorphs take this out of the equation. The Leet Form, in particular, can be used in large mass PvP to quothide in plain sightquot, as it tends to be tiny and easily overlooked. The Tactician The TRADER in essence is the glue that can keep teams together longer and stronger. I see myself as a quotcombat managerquot. I control the tide of skirmishes. - Worldtrader While the trader is surpassed in terms of damage-dealing and combat survivability at higher levels, the trader fills a support role quite nicely. You can supplement healing with your heals (which, at the high end, rival the healing of Froob Adventurers and Doctors), remove quotaddsquot in mass combat using your Calms (which will land easier due to your augmented Nano Skills from your drains), and boost the ACs of your allies. In a team situation, I try to keep myself fully drained at all times. Of course, this may not be possible if the team decides to take a break longer than 3 minutes at any given point. If this happens, I politely ask to calm an enemy nearby to use as a drain pet to keep my drains running. When I first encounter an enemy while teamed, I look at the minimap and wait a few moments before starting to drain. Drains have a lengthy recharge time, and the first few seconds are crucial in determining whether or not you are going to need to calm an add. If, after a few seconds, there are no adds, then I start casting my DepriveDivest drains, followed by my RansackPlunder, followed by AC drains (if the enemy isnt already dead). If anything, team missions are full of randomness and unpredictable elements. As a trader, you should be prepared to deal with these situations as they come up, as your teammates are probably going to be busy healing and hitting their crazy specials (or in some cases, running away, drawing aggro from MORE sources). Your teammates will open chests during combat, causing Rollerrats of Doom to pop out (which you can calm or root easily) or explosions taking off half of the teams health (hit a team heal after this happens). They will draw aggro from surrounding enemies (use your calms and roots). They will get rooted occasionally (use Passage for One and Free Movement stims). They will trigger security cameras and turrets (again, use your calms. Note that Alarm Sentries have an inherent resistance to calming, so it may take several attempts before one lands. Also, use your Team Wrangle to boost your teams AR if they are getting misses on high level sentries). When it comes to high-level raids or dungeons, like Inner Sanctum or Hollow Island (or any other adjective-noun entity on Rubi-Ka), be aware of what you can and cannot do. This self-awareness is important for all characters, but for traders in particular this boils down to crowd control and drains. Not only do you need to quotknow your rolequot, but you also need to know if the mobs you are facing are vulnerable to your nano-programs. For example, at Hollow Island, your calms are most likely not going to land, and each successive wave of Eremites gains larger and larger drain resistance, to the point where by the end, you are reduced to simply plugging away the Eremites without draining. At Inner Sanctum, most of the Corrupted Souls and High Exarchs can be calmed, as can the Archdeacons on the 2nd floor. You can use your area root to nail down the Pandemonium Idols that spawn with Iskop. Multiple Traders in a team can lead to a lot of conflict, as the traders wrestle for who gets to drain and bump into each other with their overlapping skillsets. While you get more eyes to calm adds, it becomes a chore keeping all the traders in the team drained up. You may have to designate a quotdraining orderquot in which every X amount of enemies, one of the traders will get to drain up. If everyone is casting the same top drains, then you can all drain the same target. This is difficult to coordinate, however. The best policy is to only have a single trader on the team. Last edited by hahnsoo on Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:37 pm, edited 12 times in total. quotFairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. quot G. K.Chesterton Years of experience means years of learning bad habits. Proud Member of Newcomers Alliance Last edited by Weeping Willow on Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total. RK1, Omni and General of Newcomers Alliance GridPain Fixer TL5 Frank Nfurter. Doc TL5 (pvp version) JimProfit. Level 100 Crat (foreman helper) New leveling crat. Coredumped WeepinWillow, Forcedevente, Whipinwillow, Slayie, NeedleWorker, Asafart, Ouvreboite, Asafurt, Malaucrane, Karmapolice. etc etc. Thread: Trader Guide amp tips - revised Trader Guide amp tips - revised Trader Guide A rough guide in the works Trader, the profession people love to hate. The Trader Profession is a very diverse profession. We get roots, calms, debuffs, heals and well. even charms. Considering our abilities, the trader is primarily meant as a backup team player, but with a bit of skill, they can be quite competent at soloing as well in the lower levels. The trader is also famous (or infamous) for hisher abilities in PVP, and especially towards lower through mid levels, we can be quite the damage dealers played well. In this guide, well cover these topics : Trader Role Choosing Breed IP Distribution Weapon to Choose Armors to Choose Tools of the Trader Implants Ladderingusing drains Making money Perks new Basic Gameplay tips Final Words This guide is the revised version of an older guide posted on the forums earlier. You can see the thread for the old guide here. Last edited by Didymus May 11th, 2004 at 17:18:53. Didymus - Solitus Trader, Member of Instability Trader Role A little bit of what you can expect during yur career. Traders General role. In the daily life, outside the battlefields, traders are wranglers. The wrangle lines traders get are often immensly helpful to other players and we get asked for them a lot. If you dont yet know what wrangles are, check the quotGuide to Wrangles quot. Handing out wrangles is often a major stress factor to higher level traders, and common frustrations include : Wrangled player hasnt got the buffs needed prior to wrangle. Wrangled player notices heshe didnt have enough NCU. Wrangled player didnt realise wrangles dont put up specials. Wrangled player gets surprised when 3 minutes over, heshe is OEd. Trader has to travel to someplace with mobs to wrangle one person Trader cant find person to wrangle because heshe disappears when trader drains Trader wrangles one after another using plenty of time because would-be-wrangled dont accept or ask for team invite. Trader gets asked for wrangles by players who just want to quotsee how high their skills will goquot. ( Taken from the quotGuide to Wranglesquot )When people are looking for a trader, they sometimes try the list approach. list is a command wich you can use to get a list of players in the playfield with different variables you can specify. quotlist traderquot will give a list of the traders in the zone. Being a wrangler, you dont want people asking you for wrangles wherever you may be. In order not to be look up in this way, just type quotanonquot. You are now marked as anonymous and wont pop up on list search. As many other traders have said, quotanon is your friendquot. I prefer to go outside SG and announce Im handing out wrangles if I feel like being nice, and it happens every now and then. That way, I can help people when I have time for it. Yes, we have a knack for tradeskills and youll probably find people who will want you to make something or need you for a tradeskill buff. In many ways, we are beaten by the engineer profession when it comes to high QL tradeskilling, but on the other hand, we are the ones with the buffs. If you want to become a tradeskiller, I advise you to be patient and wait until you are well into TL 4 on your way to TL5 when IP gets more plenty. Focusing a character on tradeskilling from the start is an easy way to cripple your character. Neither are tradeskills in much demand at lower levels, and when they are, low level players usually seek out high level players to do the stuff anyways. Traders Team role on RK. On the lower levels (100 and below), you can be an excellent damage dealer. On these levels, a traders capacity for twinking is quite awesome. It is important to have as much hit points as possible, because using a shotgun, your crits will steal aggro. Of course, it is dependent on choice of weapon and so on as well, especially later in your career. In the higher levels, we still do quite alright if you can get the good trader weapons. Mostly, we are outclassed by MAs, shades, soldiers, enfs etc. but seeing were a support class, I suppose thats the way it should be. Anyways, the role youll fill in a team will be diverse, but primarily calmer . Trader calms are excellent calms and, if my sources are right, only exceeded by crat calms. Besides, having drains, we reach our higher calms faster than other professions. The calms are sometimes far between in QL, though. Nevertheless, the calmer role is a fun role to play in my opinion, and calms are great when soloing mobs as well. We can also be backup healers and we even get roots . Also, on higher levels, youll probably want to raise skills to get those AC drains going. Lots of nanos to play with, and they are very, very handy when soloing. Thus a high nanopool is nice, even if we do get stackable nano drains to keep the juice flowing. Players who use nanos made to quotmess upquot (or mesmerize) the mobs like roots, calms, ac drains and so on are commonly referred to as a mezzer. That will be you. تحديث. Also read the added quotTraders Team Role in SLquot added underneath as well incorporate that role into the already existing as well be able to do both on RK. ( Also check the quot Basic PvPPvM tips quot for a few calmer guidelines. ) We get team wrangles. Some people like the trader to keep these team wrangles coming. While this buffs attacknano skills for your team mates, unless youre handing out small wrangles considering your capabilities, it will cripple your ability to do just about everything else. So, if they dont need your abilities to do anything else, sure, you can wrangle them. Generally, most prefer not to . And if needed, having to get drains up after each wrangle run out sucks. Regarding your highest team wrangles, this quotjobquot is best done when your nano skills are so high or when youre buffed so that you can refresh your top drains while still doing team wrangles. Keeping 132 wrangles coming at level 120 f. ex really, really sucks. Check with the other players in the team to check wether your wrangles can help. Sometimes, a doc might only be a few nanoskills away from a better heal f. ex. Then you might be able to help out without setting yourself back too much. تحديث . Theres a new wrangle out for those who bought SL. It is called an quotumbral wranglequot and basically, its the same as an ordinary wrangle except it does not lower your own skills and it refreshes itself, so you dont have to keep them coming. A very nice team buff indeed. Traders Team role in SL. Wave goodbye to the calmer role. In Shadowlands, it seems traders arewill be buffers debuffers . In the Shadowlands, our calms and roots no longer work very well. However, we got new AC debuffs, new wrangles and even Nano Resist debuffs to be sure we land the debuffs as well as making it easier for others. The idea is this one : Originally posted by Cz Traders will be better at drainingdebuffing defensive capabilities, like AC and evades (including Nano Resist, I believe). In fact, not having a Trader around when going up against the tough guys in SL should mean youre in for a very rough fight indeed. For the others to perform against these mobs, the Trader should need to condition them a bit first. Just add the usefullnes of our buffs and that seems pretty much it. The new offensive debuffs have a very short duration, so I guess keeping these refreshed is what were gonna have to stay focused on in the future. Tower Wars Role. Youre the hunter. Especially on lower levels, chances are your shotgun is OEd unless you get to drain something and if theres nothing to drain, the damage youll do to towers will suck. (Towers are not drainable). Besides, the trader is the pvp profession from title level 1 and remain strong to title level 4. Keep your eyes out for the enemy, go in and kill them. If mobs for draining are available, commonly referred to as quotdrainpetsquot, get one to keep your performance up and itll help you contribute some to the towers destruction as well. ( Check quotBasic PVPPVM tipsquot further down for tips regarding quotdrainpetsquot ) Without players or mobs to drain, youll just have to fight towers with crappy damage output. From mid high level, somewhere between TL4 and 5 (between 100 and 150), the traders advantage in PVP will start even out, eventually being surpassed by other professions later on such as enforcers and soldiers, f. ex, who are considered the quotbestquot high end pvp professions. Somewhere between TL4 and 5, there wont be many new nanos and so on, and youll spend the rest of your career PvPing using pretty much quotold tricksquot. Youll still get better skill-wise and gear-wise, but so will all the other professions and more. In high level tower warfare, I slap in a nano range increaser so I wont have to rely on NT buffs and I tend to focus more on draining amp rooting than actually killing other players. When you do move in for the kill, ganking people who are not at full health with an alpha attack seems to work best. Last edited by Didymus May 17th, 2004 at 21:51:21. Didymus - Solitus Trader, Member of Instability A dreaded topic indeed. Some will agree, some probably wont. Nevertheless, before you read on, take 20 secs and get this skill emulator . With it, you can plan your IP distribution from level 1 to 200. Abilities : I think Id say all, perhaps a little less sensepsychic on lower levels. Everything here is quite important. Ranged : Go for shotgun skill here. If youre going with vektor or home defender, wait until later with putting up specials when you can use a change of weapon and itll be cheaper. Speed : Ranged Init - Go for it. Going the way youre going, youll soon equip scopes that will lower this skill, and its generally a skill worth upping. Nano C Init - Yeah, put some IPs into this one as well. When youre well up some levels, you can put in a Nanoformula Recompiler that will add lots to this as well - so that should help. Evades, Duck explosives - These skills work great on a well played trader. Ladder some good drains on the mobs and they wont hit you as much, wich helps immensly. This should be effective in pvm up to and through title level 2. Trade amp Repair : Comp Lit - Max this one. Anything else. No, if you made a trader to do tradeskills, its better to be patient and wait until you hit title cap around level 130 or so before putting many of these skills up. You may want to put some up, but IP soon gets scarce, and I recommend you save what you can. Nano amp Aiding Dont put up matter creation and matter metamorphosis. For now, those two skills are more worth in the ways of IP you can save on not putting them up. You can put those up later in your career. You may want to max the other nano skills, especially time amp space and psychological modifications. These two skills are used for roots, drains, wrangles, the nanos that shorten down roots and probably something else not mentioned. Psychological modifications is also used in calms and (gross) charms. Charms will kill you, but calms are good. Biological metamorphosis is for heals. Sensory impression is for calms, charms and our yummy Comp Lit buffs. Spying amp Navigation If anything, put some in perception for PVP and perhaps some help on the scopes. Map Navigation can be imped, but enough to get the most basic map reader upgrades wont exactly hurt you much. Break and Entry should be at least your level if you want a chance at opening chests later on. If you dont want to open chests and doors, forget it. You can open them later in your career. By now, youve no tradeskill use for the skill anyways. As you go up, IP gets tighter. Its up to you to find out what to prioritise. I, myself, tried a somewhat risky approach and only put up time amp space and psychological modifications and a little bit sensory impression up until level 70-80 where I had a bit more IP and gotem maxed. The reason was I wanted to PVP, and I thought I could be better at it if I spent my IP on other stuff than calms and health drains. Healing in teams could be done by others and in pvp, opponents would be dead before I relied on health drains anyways. I also left the calming on those levels up to others. It worked and IP never got really tight for me because when I started PVMing more, I got spare IPs to put on the other skills anyways. I doubt my way is something one would generally recommend, but it shows how you can think out your own strategy. Last edited by Didymus Aug 25th, 2003 at 01:10:13. Didymus - Solitus Trader, Member of Instability There are many ways of playing a trader. However, the trader is the only profession that really gets the opportunity to excel with shotguns. Thus, I assume youll want to go the traditional way, eventually ending up as a 100 crit dependent baddie with a miraculously unpredictable damage output. (Well, not all shotguns are crit dependent, but using one is, in my opinion, an interesting change from a lot of other profs ) The reason traders are the only profession that really excels with shotguns is because soldiers are the only ones with a non-general shotgun buff and its self only. For them, its better to use something else. We only get expertise buffs, but we also have drains to help our attack ratings go up. Besides, its a cheap weapon skill. When youre about to pick your shotgun, I recommend picking one of these. These shotguns have no specials at all. On the bright side, you dont have to put any special skills to use them, and that can save you some IP on the lower to mid levels. Also, on the bright side, twinking these babies on with drains and getting a wrangle from your fellow trader makesem easy to equip on high QLs. Also, theyre very easy to get a hold of and can be found in shop terminals. I think Id pick Vektor over home defender as it hits for energy damage instead of the home defenders projectile. The way people put up duck explosives, theyll crit in pvp as well. Another shotgun with no specials, these are easy to get a hold of and, as far as I know, go from ql 1 to 190. Another okay choice for the lowbie trader with an IP problem, these will be easy to get on at high QLs. They are very fast and crit reliant, so regular damage wont be too good, but high AR and a lowbie crit scope along with its fast attack and recharge should get those crits going. They sell in shops and can be rolled from missions. Awesome gun. If you can get a hold of one, enjoy it while you can because as they only go from QL 40 (trainees) up to 50 (master), youll outgrow it in no-time. It is a very good Shotgun, grossly overpowering those who use it most traders would say. Drops from dynabosses. This is an old PVP favourite. Truth is, being crit reliant as it is, its best to wait with these until you can get on at least a ql 250 Vision Enhancer, granting you 8 crit chance. Also, having two specials, it can get a bit on the expensive side, IP-wise, on lower through mid levels. Also, having two specials, youll probably end up wielding it on far lower QL than a home defender or Vektor. So if youre lower level, I recommend you leave this one in the freezer for now. This gun drops in IS, second floor and aside from the looks, I quite like it. With the arrival of SL, the min damage aint bad at all and so its definetly nice to have if you havent gotten yourself a Mudurlugu or perhaps some high QL shattergun dual wield combo. On RK, I daresay an ithaca with Mark of Peril, Take The Shot and an 8 VE scope will outdamage Maw, but then again you cant beg for outsides all the time (or can you) and the higher min damage is definetly welcome in SL. There are some drawbacks. Its largely useless in PVP and the Fling Shot requirement is rather insane. Unless you implant Fling Shot some, this gun can be a bit tiresome to equip at lower levels. Especially if youre switching from going ithy and pvp to Maw in pvm a lot. The traders wet dream, this nice gun drops on mobs in SL (rather rare drop) and has the NODROP tag wich makes it hard to get, Im afraid. Other than that, its largely the trader favourite at the moment. Its got no specials, but the damage looks so nice. It frequently seems to drop from ql 160-200 on the Mortiig boss quotIkaputquot on the island just South-East of the redeemed garden portal at the Ravine, Penumbra. Another SL gun, no specials. This one goes from QL 1 to 300 and could (should) be dual wielded. You cant dual wield it with another shattergun though, because it has a right hand requirement. Just find something else to wield it with and youre good to go. Another one-handed shotgun with fling and very low multi wield req, this would do nicely in a combo with the fine smith shattergun at a reasonable QL. Its got fling and its very fast, but one drawback is its low minimum damage. Ive found them on unredeemed mobs, but the easiest place to get them might be the market forums. Get it at a nice QL, dual it with an FSS and get those AC debuffs going Last edited by Didymus May 11th, 2004 at 17:58:54. Didymus - Solitus Trader, Member of Instability From a trader point of view, agilitystrength is easily implanted without messing up a good setup and will also add to shotgun. Anyways, here are some descriptions. (Edited by Sabynne: Language not Appropriate) From sometime back in 2001, these armors were extremely popular. In full sets, they look good and theyre easy to get a hold of. All these armors have the same weaknesses, the biggest holes in the AC being chemical and Radiation ACs. These weaknesses are greater on a tertius set than they are on the secundus and primus, so basically, Primus (blue colour) is the best, Secundus (Black colour) next best and Tertius (deep orange colour) is the least good. These armors are rolleable from missions only and there are some level quotrestrictionsquot here. Primus is first rolleable from ql 75 missions, Secundus from ql 50 missions, Tertius ql 25 I think. If you know or find out differently, again, please write a post or a PM. (Edited by Sabynne: Language not Appropriate) This is the armor some of the old clan guards in Athen etc. used to wear. The vanguards still appear to, although they have it covered up a bit. Anyways, except from not having any mods at all, this armor really isnt too bad. Its one of the old favourite regular armors, because its got its strongest ACs in the right places. The look of the helmet really isnt all that, but if you can bear with (or enjoy) looking like a boiled lobster, this might just be the armor for you. This armor is buyable from about ql 70 to 125 or so, but not all the pieces. Some pieces you have to get from missions. I think the pieces that cant be obtained from shops are chestpiece, gloves, helmet at least. ربما أكون مخطئا. If Im not mistaken, ql 70 is the lowest this armor will go and so keep that in mind when you get your set. (Edited by Sabynne: Language not Appropriate) This armor is mostly wanted for its ability boosts as a buffing armor. It also features in the old Trader Dougs PVP thread where it was the armor of choice because of its evade bonuses. Its got that old school primus look and its an okay armor if you havent got anything else. The reason its not as popular is because each armor piece has a level requirement. You have to be level 91 to wear a ql 100 piece and 180 to wear a ql 200. By the time anyone can get on ql 200, they often have better alternatives when it comes to armor or grander prices to strive for, at least. All in all, the mods are quite nice. But at the level you can wear a ql 200, there might be other armors youd rather have. (Edited by Sabynne: Language not Appropriate) This is one of those armors with that carbonum look. Its hard to get a hold of at higher QLs because people dont bother with it. The only mod on this armor is health and unless you have a quotMRR. Shape Hard Armorquot, its hard to make at high QLs with a screwdriver. At low levels, maybe youd want some of it, because. Its easier to equp, so maybe youd want to mix some pieces of it into your carbonum setup for more HP. I havent explored these opportunities, but an educated guess tells me that would be the best use of this armor. Otherwise, Id rather go with carbonum armor, sided or not. (Edited by Sabynne: Language not Appropriate) One of my favourite armors, this is what I wore when I was a PVP twink in my early TL3s. This armor has really good projectile Melee Energy ACs, got nice mods such as boosts to HP, nano, dodge, init, damage. The only catch is that you have to buy it or find the pieces and make it yourself. The pieces seem to crop up from ql 70s to lower ql 130s. The reason is that to make this armor, you need pieces that drop from mantises in the Smugglers Den. The mantises in the Den are around this level, though once I saw someone ref a BP that Ithink was at ql 178. They claimed it was real ref but the owner wouldnt tell how hed gotten a hold of it. So Ive been wondering. Could mantises in higher QL missions drop pieces for these Are there higher mantises somewhere else who might drop the bits needed Anyways, its a good armor and I really like the looks of it. To make it, you also need a MRR - Shape Soft Armor. If you have one or are just curious, read the how to on Anarchy Arcanum . These armors are sometimes a natural choice if youre an atrox or simply because some of them are good and theyre easy to get on at high QL. The ever so popular various tank armors also require some amount of stamina amp strength to get on and theyre abilities most would keep up. Im not entirely sure about the specifics on this armor because I have no experience with it. If you do, please inform me. The only reason youd want any of these armors is because Strength Stamina are probably the easiest buffable abilities during the levels this armor will concern you at all. the graft armor is a little better, providing an increase to some ACs. I think that the graft armor is available from shops at around ql 70 - 120s, but not all pieces of it, just like the flowers. If Im right, you might have to fire up clicksaver and mission for it. A good reason for not wearing this kind of armor is because it looks like someone barfed on you. The best reason for getting this kind of armor is that it can be made into Symbiotic CAS armor. (Edited by Sabynne: Language not Appropriate) This is a nice armor with good ACs and mods that anyone could find useful. Its easy to twink into and it looks pretty mean A common choice for many twinkers and regular players alike, it seems most will have at least one set during their career. Your armor will probably be bought from another player, but if you want, you can set out to get the bits you need and make it yourself or get help from someone with a bit of tradeskills If so, head on over to the CAS Symbiotic Guide on Anarchy Arcanum and start saving up graft organic armor bits and notum fragments. These are either armors for SL units with prof req that we can use or even more narrowly specific trader armors. (Edited by Sabynne: Language not Appropriate) This is just a chestpiece, but it deserves a mention. If youre reading this guide for tips, you might be in the levels where this armor would be nice to have indeed. It drops from Imp bosses in Elysium. It might drop on other bosses as well, but Ive only found it on imp bosses. The drop seems to be quite rare, but having camped more than just a few hours for the funneling devices, I have a few in my inventory. If youre on Atlantean, do a quotcc addbuddy Didymusquot and check if Im on. If I am, feel free to ask if you can have one. I might have some extra. Oh and docs can also use this armor This armor might be a bit hard to get a hold of and goes all the way to ql 300. The requirements are high, ACs are a bit low but the HP mod is quite nice. They give their ql in HP, so 200 extra HP on ql 200 gloves. Not bad Some of it might be worth equipping, some not. Requirements seem to easily make this armor tedious in the lower levels. I expect most of the players who read this are lower level and for you guys, there are other armors that would be easier to get a hold of at lower levels. (Edited by Sabynne: Language not Appropriate) Ill only cover the tier 1 because if youre seriously wondering about getting the later versions of this armor, you dont need this guide in the first place. Personally, I hate this armor. Its intelligence psychic are higher than the equivalent Barter Armor QLs and the mods are not all that. On top of it all, it looks kinda like a pyjamas. Theres a 20 shotgun mod to the BP, but by the time youre using this, I suppose your AR is over 1k already and if thats the case, 20 extra to shotgun will give a minimal increase to damage. Might help you get onuse higher QL shotguns if you get it early enough I suppose. Id say youre generally better off with the barter Armor. (Edited by Sabynne: Language not Appropriate) This Intelligence Psychic Armor is really quite nice. Get some VTEs, old english guns, some assist imps and get that ql 200 on as soon as possible Id pick this armor over CAS any day and its basically made using the same process. The only difference is that this armor is made out of Nano Armor instead of the CAS armors graft organic base. I also like the looks of it. Read the how to make it on Anarchy Arcanum . (Edited by Sabynne: Language not Appropriate) The carbonum armor is an all-time favourite armor for the low levels. One reason is that its hard to make at high levels unless you have an MRR - Shape Hard Armor. Another reason why its loved at low levels is because it gives you extra NCU, much needed for the twinks to hold outside buffs. Other sided versions of this armor are Storm (for clammers) and Omni (for omnis, duh). The omni version of the armor can be made by simply using an omnifier on the armor piece and a full set will have a nice extra boost to health. The clan version of the armor is made much the same way using a clanalizer and will have an added boost to NR. Living Cyber Armor - Leveling RegularQuest Armor - Subway mob lootquest rewards This armor isnt all that bad at low levels either, if you can bear with the looks. You can level this armor up to ql 50 where it seems to give a nice 135 extra to health. Chest, Boots and Gloves need to be quested for. The other pieces of the armor drops on human mobs in the condemned subway. Good luck hunting Edit : For tips on equipping armor, check under quot Gameplay Tips quot Last edited by Sabynne Jun 12th, 2006 at 08:18:06. Didymus - Solitus Trader, Member of Instability First out, when it comes to getting stuff that you need, a lot of it will be rolleable as mission reward. There is a program that can click the quotrequest missionquot button on the mission terminals for you and analyse the mission data while it does. Thus, it can automatically browse and notify you whenif it finds a mission with the reward or pickup item you wanted. Its a great way of getting new nanos, guns, scopes, etc. It is also a nice way to just check other mission data as to where it is, f. ex. The tool is called quotclicksaver quot and you can get it here . Yes, these help even at low QLs. If youre using a with a high crit (ithaca, vektor, home defender, etc.), youll want the vision enhancer that gives highest crit percentage while crippling your inits as little as possible. quotVision Enhancerquot scopes are easily obtained from missions as loot and reward. Say you want a 3 scope, then check either aodb. info and look it up there or auno. org. By investigating a little bit, youll find that on QL 134, the Vision Enhancer gives you a 2 bonus to crit chance. At QL 135, it ladders up to 3. Get the lowest QL for the wanted percentage and get it in. Equipping these scopes is easy. If youre level 75 or less, perception can be buffed by 120 130 107 by Lupus Oculus (adv) Karma Harvest amp Blood Makes Noise (fixer). I believe these numbers are correct, but Im not 100sure. Anyways, as you gain levels, you can get even higher adventurer perception buffs, so you hopefully wont have to sweat much over getting these babies in. Alternative. TIM Scope hhj thought I should include it. So, here it is So, you decided to choose another path than the path of crit dependence. If so, you might want to get yourself a TIM scope. The scope drops off a bio-mechanic robot named T. I.M. Hes lurking down in the bottom of the quotForemans Officequot - the very end of the dungeon. The Foremans office is a dungeon in the omni mine, quite west in the Longest Road. Id say the dungeon contains mobs from about level 50 to 100. I think T. I.M himself is about level 100. You shouldnt venture down there alone until youre higher. Besides, T. I.M has a bad habit of being camped nowadays, and so it might be hard getting the kill on your own. Anyways, these are the stats for the TIM Scope : Reqs : Rifle 394 Aimed Shot 317 Effects . Aimed Shot 23 Critical chance 1 Ranged init 180 Rifle 19 Weapon Range 5 As you can see, the extra crit chance isnt that great, thus youre better off with a Vision Enhancer if youre using crit dependent Shotgun. The good thing about the TIM Scope is the 180 Ranged Init Buff wich is ideal to anyone who value speed over crit chance and a great Aimed ShotRange increase. Its especially sought after by manex users as manexes are horribly slow and shouldnt be used by people without an extremely high ranged init. It takes up the same HUD space as a Vision Enhancer, so you cant use both. Alternative. LLTSELLTS Scope Low Light Targetting Scope and Extreme Low Light Targetting Scope (ql 200s). These are the scopes of the golden oldies, taken out of the game because they overpowered the people using them. They are still around, but not as drop or reward. You can only get them from other players, and last time I checked the price for a ql 200 15 scope, it went for about 300 millions. So, unless youre rich, you can skip this part. The advantage with these scopes is that they can up your crit chance more than any Vision Enhancer scopes there. Unless they give more than 8 crit chance, theyre generally not much worth having unless it makes you go nostalgic. Reqs : Perception 685 Effects : MeleeInit. -378 RangedInit. -378 PhysicalInit. -378 NanoC. Init -27 AimedShot 287 CriticalIncrease 8 WeaponRange 39 And the following are the stats for a ql 101 LLTS. granting the same crit bonus : Reqs : Electrical Engineering 397 Weapon Smithing 319 Effects : MeleeInit -399 RangedInit -399 PhysicalInit -399 AimedShot 156 CriticalIncrease 8 WeaponRange 21 QL 101 is the lowest QL an LLTS will give 8. Now, if you combine the bonuses, youll see that the Vision Enhancer is actually a lot better. Inits are not as decreased, aimed shot buff is bigger, range is better. The only downside is a downer to your nano init wich youll hardly notice. Thus, unless you can get them on well over 8 crit bonus, you should be better off with a normal Vision Enhancer. The trader is a caster class, and were the masters of comp lit. The two things combined makes us crave for faster nano execution and the buffable skills to get them. Nano Forumla Recompilers are wonderful. If you dont already know them, they are nifty items that go in your deck slot. They add a certain bonus to your nano init. A QL 200 Nano Formula Recompiler will add 400 to your NanoC. Init. Sounds good It is and its well worth the deck slot it takes up. They are obtainable from missions as loot and reward. Also check quot ladderingusing drains quot on tips how to equip one. Questions about the Advanced Salesmans Hat (also known to most traders as the quotasshatquot) sometimes surface on these forums, so Ill write some about it. The hat is a ql 20 to 75 leveling item that you probably can build yourself and like the un-advanced, it comes with a red wig included. To build it, you need two items : Salesmans Hat - To get this, go to Hope. By whompa, Newland City - gt Newland Desert - gt Hope. Then try and find the NPC named Zoftig Blimp (no relation). You can buy them from him. Salesmans Chip - This is what will make your hat advanced. You can get it from regular mission mobs around level 20 and also mobs around totw are said to drop these now and then. Simply combine your chip with the hat. The process takes 110 Electrical Engineering to complete. Grats on your asshat Last edited by Didymus Apr 21st, 2004 at 05:43:14. Didymus - Solitus Trader, Member of Instability Implants A few tips regarding your setup. As you may know, Ive been out of the game for some time now, so I cant really remember what clusters go into what imps and so. Also, including an implant section in a guide at that level of detail is not a good idea. People have their own ideas of what they want from their implants, and so it could turn out messy. Nevertheless, there are a few basic tips. Basically quotNano Nannyquot is a program that : quotlets you build and maintain a list of implants and clusters with ALL the data you need to do it quickly and easily. quot Without Nano Nanny, implanting would be hell. With nano nanny, its been reduced to somewhat of a nuisance. The various clusters you can get for various implants relate to different abilities. For a trader, its rather easy making a good implant set that primarily uses Strength and Agility . Strength and Agility is good because they are easily buffed, unlike abilities like intelligence and psychic. If you dont get the ability requirement you want from your implant, see if theres a cluster or two you can change to make it switch to an easier buffable ability. Basically, its just picking what youd like frmo the drop down menus in Nano Nanny. There are some rather self explanatory hints, though. Hit Points - Life clusters for raising hit points will save your ass. Especially crit-dependent shotgun wielding traders get a ridiculously unpredictable damage output and will steal aggro. When that borg turns on you for critting it three times i a row, youll thank yourself for getting these in. I think Shiny, Bright and Faded life clusters could go nicely in your set without putting you at a serious disadvantage with other skills. Psychological Modifications - This skills is used in roots, wrangles, etc. and drains. You want the highest drains as quickly as possible, so imp this one. Time amp Space - For the same reason as with Psymod. Shotgun - You want the highest attack rating and the best shotguns Imp this. ( Or - if youve decided on using something else, imp that instead. ) As for the rest, think of what youd like to implant and also check the quot Distribute IP quot section to see whats important. Generally - implants are easier than people want you to think. Last edited by Didymus Aug 18th, 2003 at 16:43:50. Didymus - Solitus Trader, Member of Instability You got your trader up and going. Now its time to check out what you can do with himher. The traders strength lies primarily in hisher drains. There are two lines of drains for you once youre up and about, namely quot Ransack Skills quot and quot Deprive Skills quot. These come in different QLs, some better than the others. This is how to put them to use : When you cast deprive skills on a leet, its attack skills and nano skills will decrease. ( Well, in theory. It doesnt really have much effect on them. ) Your attack skills and nano skills, however, will go up. If you then cast ransack skills on the same leet, it will stack with the deprive skills, thus lowering the leets skills even further and your skills even higher. Now that your skills have been temporarily upped, you may be able to cast a better version of deprive skills, wich puts them up further. Then you may be able to cast a better ransack. Deprive is easier to land than ransack, so starting your laddering with it is preferable. It goes on like this until youre at the best drain you can cast. Your attack skills and nano skills will be upped considerably, so youll do more damage, crit more often, be able to equip better guns, throw nastier nanos and so on while the duration lasts. Note that specials, like fling shot, do not increase by draining mobs. When doing missions, etc. this optimal state of performance is where traders prefer to quotworkquot. when one is at ones highest drains, just make sure to recast your highest ransackdeprive before they time out. Keep track of the skills you have when fully drained. Also keep an eye on the drains you just cant use yet and get get them when you can. When you have a new drain run, recheck your skills to see if you can run an even better drain than before. Drain, check, upload nano and repeat if possible and youll be uber in no-time. Using drains to equip quotstuffquot : This is really simple, and youll probably figure it out on your own. Get a shotgun expertise, get your top drains going, note down your shotgun skill. Then check how much above your drained shotgun skill you can go before you are Over Equipped. This is easily done by doing a quottell helpbot OE quot ( is your skill). Then check what QL shotgun you can use and not be OEd while at fully drained. To equip the shotgun, run expertise, find a trader that can give you the wrangle you need, then run and drain something and equip it. Now, youll probably be OEd, but as soon as your drains hit the roof, youll be under the 20 curse. Some prefer a bit lower QL guns in PVP, wich may be smart sometimes, considering what might happen. You can also use this method to get on NCU. Get a decent amount of NCU. When draining up, hitting the 55 comp lit buff doesnt take long. If you can afford it, get some comp lit or Psymodsenseimp assist imps in as well. What you want is to get enough NCU to do something like this. Sensory impression expertise teachings (25)masteries(50)infuses(90)mochams(140) Psychological Modifications expertise teachings (25)masteries(50)infuses(90)mochams(140) Biggest possible wrangle (up to 131 or 132) from a fellow trader your own drains. ( teachings, masteries, infuses and mochams are all Meta Phycisist buffs to nanoskills. They do not stack with eachother, but get the biggest you can get for this to work ) This ought to get your nano skills up by a lot. Probably enough to run some nifty comp lit buffs, namely : Frequent Customer (55), Bulk Trader (160) and Trading Mogul (260) Having run the highest possible of these, start swapping out your old NCU stuff with new upgrades. If you dont have enough NCU to do this process, do what you can so you get more NCUs to repeat. Along with more NCUs, you might want a quotNano Formula Recompiler quot at as high QL as possible to get those drains flying. Youll feel like a whole new trader afterwards. Last edited by Didymus Oct 28th, 2003 at 17:11:51. Didymus - Solitus Trader, Member of Instability Perks A few words and tips on perks. The first thing I did with my perks was to make some pretty big mistakes, so I might be unlearning while you read this. Anyways, even though its pretty early, Im gonan try and write a little on perks for those of you who have Shadowlands. Perks are special abilities and bonuses you gain every 10th level from 1 to 200 and then every level from 201 to 220 to a maximum of 40 perks. Please check out Jaydes Perk Configuration Tool and play around some. What perks should I put up There are a few perks worth putting up. As I dont know too much myself yet, Ill try and write some guiding words for you up amp coming traders. Generally now, for a low level trader, Id say shotgun mastery and nano doctorate. Definetly accumulator when youre getting up in your career and distill life doesnt really seem like anything worth putting up until youre high enough to get the last special at stage 9. Tinkerer might be good for the people who badly want more specials and have perks to quotwastequot. The blinds are supposed to actually work, I hear. Accumulator may look a bit pointless at first glance because its not really easy to get much out of the lines description in-game. However, its probably the most noteworthy and beneficial profession perk line we get. When you put points into this perk, youll drain a little hitpoint and a little nano sometimes when you hit your enemy. while that might not sound too good or the line might seem a bit boring with its lack of specials, its really quite nice and well worth upping - at least in the higher levels. Note that the usefulness of this perk is also dictated by your weapon. The faster gun you have, the more effective this perk line gets. Id say this is the less useful of or profession perks. For the lower levels, you get a special from the first perk in the line called quot Reap Life quot. Its a DoT that deals a little damage over 30() secs. Then there are no specials, only bonuses up to perk number 6 wich is bloodletting . Bloodletting is another DoT, but it also has the effect that it increases the damage done by some other specials, including the first special in the line. At stage 9, you get a special called quot Vital Shock quot, wich is a stun and a lifetap. This lines maybe not very attractive unless youre higher level and want Vital Shock. Baffle says : Vital Shock is a direct damage perk that usually do 2-5k ish damage. It also works like a lifetap. You get ecactly 75 of the inflicted damage back as a heal. Usually the damage is around 2500, something that give you a 1875 heal. You need to be level 205 to train this perk. (People usually train it at 206 to be able to have the EasyshotVitalShock combo) Vital Shock stun the target in 3 seconds. The effect is actually a calm that breaks then you shoot at the target again. The distill life perkline aslo increase the power of your umbral wrangles slightly. Example: A 140 umbral and 10 distill life turn into a 147 umbral. Id say this line is actually quite useful at lower levels. Higher AR is great and itll allow you to get those good shotties on. Once youre so high level your AR crawls over 1k, this perk line immediately gets more worthless. Damage-wise, every point over 1k AR is only good for 16th meaning that f. ex 120 points over 1k (1120) only counts for 20 points (1020). Note, though, that while the AR isnt as effective damage-wise it still makes us hit and crit. Perks such as distill life specials use shottie as 100 Attack skill, so putting this up some should be worth it, and if youre way high, well. You can always unlearn a bit. At perk number 3, you get a special called quot Leg Shot quot. This is yet another DoT and its damage increases if you have bloodletting already running. This perkline will add bonuses to your pharmaceuticals and chemistry skills. Unless youre a tradeskiller, this isnt exactly desirable. But for those who are, chemistry has always been a sort bottleneck as we have no profession buffs for the skill. Anyways, while not being the best stat giver, this perk line gives you some specials. There are two DoTs, each more effective if bloodletting is running, one blindness special and one special that seals wounds meaning it removes dots running on ya. Sounds worth it. I suppose It might be. This perk line adds to your nano skills, simply enough. It adds to all of them. We traders already get to our nanos rather quickly and now you can do it even more so. The lines got one special in the 7th step that seems it will let you remove a nano shutdown. Definetly well worth considering. This line will add to your intelligence and psychic . The reason you might want it is probably because the new trader armor uses intelligence psychic as reqs. Last edited by Didymus Apr 21st, 2004 at 04:46:29. Didymus - Solitus Trader, Member of Instability You might be challenging a Desert Eremite, marching to a tower battle or getting ready for a pvp bash in MMD. If you can, always drain up before you start fighting This is usually done by finding some low level mob, draining it and then calming it, keeping it as a quotpetquot. These quotdrainpetsquot are often used in pvm or to keep your skills up in tower battle, etc. as well if theres nothing else to drain. You may have seen traders draining the ICC guards in Meetmedere as well or pulling rollerrats and whatnot with them when theyre marching out to war. So, the idea is simple. Drain the mob, pull it where you want it, calm for later use. You can head back to this pet once in a while when you need to recast your drains. Using calms and Nano drains in fight : I feel a bit silly writing this as youll figure a lot of this out on your own. When youre up against a tough mob, see if you can get your drains in, then calm it. Replenish your healthnano, and now you can start fighting the mob again at your optimal performance. Youll have the nanopool to heal yourself, root, etc. If things start looking grim, just calm it again amp replenish. Simple as that Of course, keeping a drainpet handy can also be good if mob counter your drains. Also, after draining up, you can cast nano drains on the mob youre fighting. These nanos stack even when thrown on the same mob and even works if said mob f. ex dies. Spam a few of those and youll have nano to keep yourself alive. Maybe you wont have to calm after all. Being a calmer takes a bit work, but can be very fun. When youre in a mission, watch out for the doorways. Try and move around a bit to get a good look. There might be a mob in there just waiting to aggro. If you see one, target and calm. When fighting, always position yourself where you get the best view of the situation and any directions from wich potential adds might come and attack the team. Also keep a lookout for engineers, MPs and Crat mobs as their pets are sure to turn up. Also keep a lookout on your own calmed mobs. People like to attack calmed mobs, and pets sometimes also like to try and mess up your job. If there are noone on the team who really wants an AS, you can also calm ahead. Basically, that means taking a couple of minutes to calm the mobs in the coming areas so that the team get an easier time pulling one at a time instead of the first three. Its especially nice taking the lift up to a pre-calmed boss room. There are problems with ASing calmed mobs, though, so some agents might get a little whiny. Sometimes, some team members may think youre about to do something completely different and follow you, so its best to tell them what your calming plans are. The charmline seems more than a little borked. When you try charming something, youll get rooted and unable to cast nanos or fight - even if it doesnt land Aside from that little problem, our charms have long duartions and stuff, so if the root wasnt there. Theres no way to get aorund the root easily . but there is a way at least. With each hit you take from a mob, theres a slight percentage youll get smacked out of the root. So what you need is to get smacked a lot. Try and do something like this. Before you charm, get aggro from lower level mobs, drain them and head for what you wanna charm. Charm the mob while you still have aggro from the lowbie and the lowbie mobs hitting you might snap you out of charm eventually. Ive been trying this against Elysium hecklers where it seems to work quite well. I got aggro from a group of mobs from the unredeemed temple north of port 7, headed south to heckler land and tried to calm horrors. On 3 attempts, the charm landed 3 times. My nanoskills mustve been about 1150-1200 or so. Suppose Ill try Scheol hecklers next. How many times have you heard people ask you for the quothighest wranglequot or a quot132quot, even when you know people would do good with a 74 A good tips for those who get caught wandering in public is to drain up, then cast a 131 wrangle on yourself. Now youll get both the debuff and the buff. That amounts to a loss in nanoskills at 11. Enough so that most traders through TL4 to TL5 and up should be able to recast 131 wrangles as long as they still have their drains going. So until then, just keep handing out those 131s The debuffs wont stack with the one you have going from wrangling yourself. I cant write too much, but. Not going too far into detail, this is very easy to accomplish : Stamina Strength : Essence of Behemoth (enf) 27 Iron Circle (doc) 20 dual wield QL10 (f. ex) cushions 16 Strsta boosts 12 total buff of 75 to StaminaStrength. Agility : Agility boost 12 Feline Grace (agent) 25 QL40 or more Tsakachumi counter sniper rifle 20 57 buff to agility. Sense : Ability Boost 12 Enhanced Sense (agent) 15 ICC Gun-Bag 20 ql 1-200 Personalized Robot Brain 3 to 15 50 to 62 extra sense. Intelligence : Ability Boost 12 Neuronal Stimulator (NT) 20 2 Second hand old english trading co. 10 42 extra intelligence . 2 VTE 15(x2) 72 buff to intelligence with VTEs. Last edited by Didymus May 17th, 2004 at 21:12:14. Didymus - Solitus Trader, Member of InstabilityGeneral - Trader Primer Edit Page Last Edit: October 10, 2013 - 3 years 4 months ago Greetings. I would like to welcome you to one of the most versatile professions on Rubi-Ka, the Trader. Traders can do it all from calming, to doing insane damage with their massive crits, to healing. Unlike other professions, a traders breed doesnt affect a trader as much as others. Breed Most people choose to be a Solitus for the fact that the Solitus doesnt suffer from the other breed defining disadvantages. Though, all the other breeds will make great traders. An Atrox will make a great trader for the high HP and some of their weapon caps are higher. Nanomages make great traders because of the high nano skills. Opifex make great traders for the higher weapons skills. Choosing a traders breed is more of your style of play. An atrox is the in your face type of guy. An opifex is the guy who sits back and shoots. A nanomage is more of your tradeskilling, caster nanos faster rather then up close action. And a Solitus is your guy who is average at Base Abilities There are a few stats to try to always raise as a trader. Always try pool. Those are the main abilities traders use. If you are a breed other you can use the best armor. Ranged About 90 of the Trader community use shotguns. I would suggest other traders use this too. Though a lot of traders use guns that require fling shot andor aimed shot. But during the lower levels sticking to a gun that uses just Shotgun is a wise choice. Speed Many skills in speed are useful for a trader. Nano Init: Nano init determines how fast you cast your nanos. The faster you can cast your debuffs, the better. Debuffs get resisted a lot Evades: The evades are dodge, evade, and duck. Dodge determines how well you can evade ranged attacks. Evade determines how well you can evade melee attacks. And Duck determines how well you can evade other attacks such as shotguns and a beam. Putting IP into evades is putting IP into your defense. Nano Resist: Nano resist is a broken skill. No one knows if it works or not. I would suggest not bothering with this skill until you get to a higher level when it actually works. Run Speed: Run speed is moderately important, but you can usually find a fixer to buff your speed. Trade and Repair Most traders dont worry about tradeskills until around level 100 when you get a lot of spare IP. Though one you should always raise is Computer lit. Refer to the tradeskills guide for more info on tradeskills. Nano and Aiding Traders rely on a wide variety of nano skills. But Psycho Modi and Time and Space are the most important skills. These determine how well you can drain. Sense Imp is also a very useful skill, this is the skill used for calms. I would raise MC once you can use the grid nano. I wouldnt bother with Matter met since all of those buffs using MM are virtually useless. Also be sure to raise your treatment skill so you can intend to solo or PvP, raising first aid would be a wise choice so you can healrecharge nano mid-fight. Weapons Obviously, the best choice for a traders weapon is a shotgun. There Ithaca Ki-8 Ithaca is a quick firing, crit reliant gun. They are one Vektor Shotgun Vektors are wonderful low level guns. They are easy to get and hit hard. Home Defenders Home Defenders are also great guns. Virtually the same thing as a vektor, but with a higher crit. Manex Catastrophe Manexs are a devastating gun. Though not recommended until later levels, they sure pack a heavy punch. So at lower levels try to use single skill shotguns like vektors or home defenders. Once you get some IP to play around with start looking at other guns such as an Ithaca or a Manex. A bit of the old this and that. Since most traders max intelpsyagility a common choice for armor would be carbonum (stragil) and cyber (intelpsy). If you are not a solitus, use the armor that is your green ability. Another option a trader has in the trader only armor called Barter Armor. PvP Traders are devastating in PvP. They are considered the best PvP profession by just about everyone. The strategy traders have are to root classes. Most shotguns dont have high range. But be aware, in mass PvP drained so they look to kill you first. That concludes this guide, good luck in your (hopefully) prosperous life as a trader Next Classic Previous General - Team Mission Combat Tactics - Part 2

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